Catholic Bitch: The Secret Service

Puppy mills were hotbeds of animal cruelty - overbred females, cramped cages, and for-profit contribution to the pet overpopulation problem. to think there was one right in the middle of the city!

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A Private Picnic

"well... it occurs to me that you've gone and aroused that poor horse, and that leaving him blueballed would be tantamount to animal cruelty. so... i'll take off the harness so you can give him the ol' one-two-three."

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Zootopia: First Salvo part 3

"isn't there a law against animal cruelty?" another voice sounded out. "someone should call the spca." another voice sounded. then another voice sounded...."oh for the love of salt peter...."hey! shut the fluck up!"

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Duke - Book 1: Alpha Rising (Chapter 3 of 8)

Mike must have thought we had a case for animal cruelty, and had convinced him of it. \_\_\_\_\_ rourke wouldn't leave yip's side, even though he was sound asleep. he curled up in bed with him, holding him, cradling him in his arms.

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Black Guardian- Chapter 1

Herrera had numerous citations for animal cruelty, and jeffries is a member of some of those tree hugger groups. i like him for this so far.

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Influenced: Skunked

Tony wasn't against products that weren't vegan, but he drew the line when it came to animal cruelty. thankfully the letter did state in no uncertain terms that no animals had been harmed, so he decided that he was fine with the product.

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An unexpected find

animal cruelty is illegal in most countries, and if done in front of a fur, will earn you an instant execution. isn't that nice? ^-^ no one who is sexually immature should be reading this, but if you still are, try not to get me sued, 'k?

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"Family Tails" - Chapter 31

Surely, this had to be a form of animal cruelty, forcing animals to be something they weren't meant to be. the more miriam tried to find out about them, the less solid information there seemed to be.

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A Marriage with a Side of Bacon

"what a strange form of animal cruelty..." he thought to himself before he idly pondered what reasoning one could have to tattoo their pig, though perhaps she was the prize breeder and it was some form of identifying her.

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House of the Scapegoats

We can guarantee that all their milk has been_squeezed_with maximum animal cruelty!" that was... oddly specific. probably just a coincidence, these two can't even know they are from the dairy guild, and even less about the weasel's character.

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Borderlands - Skag Gully RP (trilogy)

Few would be walking out of the den of animal cruelty. loki moved up to the door where a bruiser stood, ready to show anyone away that shouldn't have been there. lars followed his lover, trying to emulate his swagger.

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