Chapter 1 - Underdeveloped Passions
"you mean the bat-ponies? nightmare moon's people?" "that is not all they are," zecora told her. "that is just how they look from afar. you shall learn when we go, to the land of dreams where your power will grow."
Next Night
One, a bat pony with bright red eyes, stammered after seeing his princess in the buff. luna held up a hand, "shush... i'd had a long night, now you two are about to have a long, long fucking morning."
Heartfelt Discussions
They were black in color, allowing her grey bat pony colors to look so much duller compared to it. i could see along her belly, that she had muscles, abs that showed years of training really did pay off for her.
What's in the Bag?!
I wouldn't care, fuck that bat pony for all i care. i was happy...the most i was in a long time.
The Death of a Prince - ACT VIII
I tried to work with you, but you could have told us you were transforming into a bat pony and raiding the orchard at night! and then you just dump money on applejack's porch with no note or explanation.
Best Served Cold Chapter 2: Conquering the Queen
"i can be a bat pony~" she cooed, seductively licking her sharp, curved fangs. "or..."
The cutie mark that couldn't be seen
Mr.turndown was disguised as a bat pony and was putting the last touch to the big spider that would fall from the ceiling each time somepony would walk in.
The Death of a Prince ACT III
His curse to become a bat-pony after the sun had set. it was a curse that no pony had yet lifted, and so thunderbuck had learned to cope.