The Krookodile Epidemic

As he was dragged further in he saw the trainers that had helped him were being buried in sand, "they are being buried alive?!"

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It'll be worth it (DU 4:5)

His other hand was buried alive in his boxers, stimulating the bulge that was present. from under his slightly lifted waist-band i could see his pink colored cock head. his tongue hung over his lips as he dreamed.

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Cold Magic

Had they escaped the skeletons only to be buried alive? she could breathe, but she was blind, deaf, dumb. utterly helpless. "this way." jumana's gentle voice in her ear. a tug on her arm. kadri walked, trusting her cousin and the guidance of her djinn.

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Southern Free Agents, Ch 6

"all except for being buried alive right now but, hey-- nobody's perfect." his own gallows-humor approach to the situation was enough to make himself laugh, but it didn't do much to improve his mindset, or his ability to focus on meditation.

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Honorbound: a Tusk and Dross Inn Tale

Ah'll be buried alive at this rate." the orc stood still for just a moment, perplexed by the odd request. the man before him was asking for a reprieve.. after attacking him, especially after he started gaining the upper hand.

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Untill I find a better name... Part 1

I'm buried alive.' "!"...something soft touched his shoulder, and as he turned to see that it was, he gasped. it was -he woke up. "...mfff!" that was the sound of jason 'fuzzy' bradley's mouth full of fuzz.

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Extreme Hoarding!: The Dragon

Hoarding: buried alive, hoarders, animal hoarders). some demented part of me enjoys watching these shows, and i great to have a dragon be shown as the hoarder it is.

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Naval Romp

The sailors who had survived the assault were wounded bad and could hardly move as they were buried alive in a tidal wave of lupine cum. it took no time for the ship to be filled to capacity.

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"The Thin Line," Part U

Didn't like how they marched, so he had that lot buried alive under the parade ground. you can be sure the third lot remembered who was under 'em when they marched before his majesty, that time."

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She used it to contact me and explained how she controlled it remotely, making it protect me while i was being buried alive._ _i felt a very... ranged mix of emotions.

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Skyrim Mini-Story The Death of Edion Silvarius

Following that were the words, **_lost in the wilds near riften, buried alive._** "what is the meaning of this?!" edion demanded, trying to dive away.

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The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 24

Do not use your element else we might get really buried alive" "right. sorry!" he apologized. "how is he?" cynder asked, pointing to sparx that lay in spyros paw. "he seems to be recovering, but he still needs to be kept warm" spyro answered.

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