She wasted no time unzipping the pouch to get at its contents, only just noticing that her swim bottoms were still there from where she'd removed them before her stunt off the climbing wall.
Adult, Adult Content, Adult_angst, Allergic_to_bondage, Allergic_to_cocks, American_dingo, Anal, Anger, Angst, Anne, Anne Gunnarsdottir, Avian, Bear, Bedroom, Big Cock, Big Dick, Bird, BlastoTheHanar, Bondage, Breakfast, Breakfast_of_champions, Carolina Dog, Cock, Cocks_why_did_it_have_to_be_cocks, Collaboration, Cormenthor, Crossover, Daisy_daniels, Demanding, Dom/Dom?!, Doug_fairbanks, Feathers, Female, Female/solo, Females, Freddie Colon, Frustration, Gazelle, Gunnarsdottir, Hate, Herm-hate, Hermaphrodite, Horse, Horse Cock, Hybrid, Joel_hutcheson, Kailee_mcpherson, Kemosabe, Kimberly, Kimberly Owens, Large Cock, Lesbian, Lilly Swampwater, Male, Moose, Morning after, Mouse, North american moose, Not a possum, Opossum, Plot Development, Pool, Poolside, Poor_service, Public, Pussy, Rape, Regret, Restaurant, Ruffed_feathers, Sexual assault, Shyara_logan, Skittles, Sleeping Sex, Something_in_the_pool_water, Story, Story Progression, Strap-On, Sugar Glider, Sugar_crash, Suggestive, Sweets, Teen_angst, Teens, Torpor, Upset, Vagina, Walk_of_shame, Wendy_o'donnell, Why_so_much_cock, Zebra, Zebra/gazelle/deer/goat/whatever_she_is_hybrid, Zebra/gazelle_hybrid, aches, bad luck, candy, cocks, colab, crossbreed, cruise, deception, dom, dominant, energy drink, hangover, hummingbird, kim, kimmy, large penis, no sex, one night stand, pains, pink fur, sickness, sugar, vacation, waiter