Walter and His Mom - Part 2 (A Jeeves Prompt; posted with permission)

When she told him how the world was so uptight these days, he knew she wasn't harkening back to some glorious past when free love had truly reigned. quite simply, all her adult life his mom had sought out sex at every turn.

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Crocs Blood Chapter 3- Another

"i could set you free, love..." alia whispered sensually in her ear. "you could be like me, and not have a care in the world..."

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Smut In Space, Part 2! A Sci-Fi CYOA

"the original colonists weren't just pacifists-- they were heavy on the 'free love' thing, too." "so a green tag like that is an ... invitation?" "between an invitation and an obligation, yeah." "what about the red tags?" "red's the opposite.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 32

"have you two taken to 'free love' as well?" sage heart asked. love heart cleared his throat, "we're working on it, sort of."

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Ariel & Maria

But the holonet... oh, the holonet was bursting with stories of dashing rogues and crass anti-heroes that ravaged the locals with their free-loving spirits and bodymods.

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The Haunted Pants

These were the pants of free love and rebellion ... maybe they were all these things. sam giggled at his own silly fantasies and before he knew it he was wondering how his butt would look in them.

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Toes In The Sand

"fuck these silly rules, free love man!" the fox said to himself, making a peace sign with his fingers, dropping down to his knees, sliding in behind jerry, who was clearly preoccupied with the best feet on the beach.

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The Rowans and The Greys Chapter 20: Fox Hunt

It had been a very different era and a very different life, filled with lots of marijuana and copious amounts of free love.

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Full moon camping, Edited and repaired

He smiled down at her and slowly started to pull his shaft free loving the vice like grip her insides had on it. "now get on your knees so i can keep from stirring up your insides.

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I pondered it, as we headed into the dark cold room and headed to bed, before we embraced in love a second time, a free love that we could feel in safety. i would answer her someday. it would be a yes, yes.

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One of Those Talks

In the name of free love and feminism, puh-_leeze_ tell me that you do more than just that with your mouth!" "antonia, it's a wonder anyone cares to know you." the pap felt her cheeks reddening furiously under her fur.

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