Keep Moving Forward

Barry no longer felt himself immersed with the holiday spirit but rather now felt like a spectator with him and torchic being the only ones aware of this dire situation. he then decided, right then and there for himself to help this torchic out.

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Home for the Holidays

His visit was not necessarily that of sudden rush of holiday spirit, no, for he loved his family, and was no scrooge. his visit came purely from the fact of the strings of his heart being tugged at.

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XXX-Mas Part 2: the morning after

Above them santa pants his way through a few more thrusts as orgasm tightens up that sweet, sweet bear anus and his own balls churn out a few more volleys of holiday spirit.

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Finals Week

His flagrant disregard for your mutual love of christmas music, your holiday spirit, the best thing about this season - it was very unlike him. "just watch, okay? watch and focus." he said, sounding almost nervous.

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Blind Love: Chapter Seven - Halloween

"someone's in the holiday spirit" dante teased while pont was putting candy in their bags, "i'm only dressed up cause the family is over, they like to dress up and get me involved" he replied letting out a sigh, then smiling as he looked over mucks costume

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Larana's Halloween Justice

And so in keeping with the holiday spirit. "what's your name?" larana asked, moving to the center of the room. "fuuuuuuuuuuuuuu..." felix paused. his throat constricted as he tried to curse at the woman. "fuuu... shhhhhh... why can't i talk?

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Holiday Horror Chapter 3

He'd been away for quite a time, but with a proper blend of the holiday spirit and the kind that came in a bottle, the other members of the community lost track of time, and frankly, concern. "hopefully there's still something left for me to drink?"

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A Meal Fit for Dragons

If you're interested, feel free to ask me any questions you might have or check out my info here: using postybirb holiday spirit filled the restaurant with the scents of turkey and pie.

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Take Only One

"i had that bowl out there to gather some holiday spirit, but it looks like you've already eaten it all, you naughty fox." the naga poked him with a finger and sent ripples through his flabby figure. "so i have to ground you until you give it back."

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XXXmas Party

Each year the master randomly chooses a townsperson he feels has exhibited an appropriate level of holiday spirit to attend his party. attached are two tickets for you and a guest of your choice though we require that they be male.

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Fear and Desire - Spirit of the Season

"good tae see ye in the holiday spirit, big man!" "and a variety of other spirits it seems," sam snorted, watching the big bear fill four shot glasses. "so, tequila's festive now?" "anything's festive if ye put yir mind tae it."

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