Growing Up Gay In Highschool: Book 1:

I did a bit history and pe for today and we played dodgeball" regis chucked at a inside joke about his pe teacher. "what's so funny?" james was softly laughing at regis.

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Growing Up Gay In Highschool: Book 1:

I did a bit history and pe for today and we played dodgeball" regis chucked at a inside joke about his pe teacher. "what's so funny?" james was softly laughing at regis.

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The Clawed Couple

Zazu chuckled at the movement and the two shared an inside joke. "shall we try it out?" timon waved a paw grandly at the bedding. "frankly, my darling, i've been waiting all day."

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Growing Up Gay In Highschool: Book 1: Freashmen

I did a bit history and pe for today and we played dodgeball" regis chucked at a inside joke about his pe teacher. "what's so funny?" james was softly laughing at regis.

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Zootopia - Trying to move on - Chapter 1: Friends and partners

.- continued nick, this inside joke being almost everyday's bread and personal pleasure of the duo. - do i know that?- judy faked thinking about it before answering, looking directly into nick's green eyes.- yes, yes i do.

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Bedroom Conversations

"it was a joke... an inside joke, really." tanner said. "really convenient," paul noted, "and i don't get it." "that's why it was an inside joke." tanner answered.

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Nameless for the Moment

"this is robert, and i'm his mother" (haha awkward turtle o.o inside joke) robert just stayed quiet, until his roommate got up and held out his hand to him. robert shook it smiling. "sup? i'm daniel" said the raccoon.

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The german shepherd didn't hesitate to lean closer to me as we murmured a few extremely corny inside jokes about blanche dubois. he smelled of peaches, and he smiled sweetly, and i could hear the gentle pat pat pat of his tail.

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Wolf Springs High School

He sounded as though he'd just heard some kind of inside joke. "name's amedeo." he ignored my question. "terryn." he ran a hand over his neck, ruffling his burgundy fur. "heh. never thought blake was the guy to go after a freshman.

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Chapter 08 - Thyme After Time - part 19

"sort of an inside joke." "sister," luna whispered fiercely, "may i have thy leave to punt this annoying scalawag to the moon?" "let's wait a bit and hear him out," celestia said. "but he's a lunatic," she hissed.

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A Different Kind of Costume Party (Pokemon TF/TG)

And that's all you have to know about this little inside joke! now let's put this costume on! i stepped into the costume and zipped it up, and i personally expected that to be just it.

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RF25 Morning Show

One could have said it was an inside joke, but not one that the overseer saw much need in expending capital on quelling such things. her authority was not questioned and it only would be if she felt that she had to make a particular point of something.

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