Pokephilia Story - The Lizard that stole Her Heart (Rose's Tale P.1) (Christmas)

Rose listened in on the story of dante's past, and learned a shocking tale of love, loss, and death. dante was originally the pokemon of a trainer named fiona, who was a successful pokemon master.

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Blood & Carrots: Celestial - Episode 11

--\*-- episode 11: love & loss, bonds forgotten i had spent the evening having drinks with ezekiel, and as usual, i had to see him to his quarters.

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Soiled Swan

The story we will be telling is one of love, loss, fear and sorrow, and at your age you haven't really felt those emotions yourself. you lack specific experiences, and there is only one way to really rectify that..." she wasn't stern like usual.

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The Sender

Sad songs about love, loss, and life. and drinking. he loved to sing about drinking. for a while i simply gritted my teeth and put up with it, hoping against hope that he'd tire of it or better yet, go on tour or whatever country stars do.

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Silver Nights - Chapter 7

Clear, soothing. the songs were about love, loss and suffering, usually. it made algra feel rather sad and she was lost in the memories of her father and merei whenever she heard cael sing. it almost made her cry.

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Growvember: The Complete Series

I'd hate to see you turn into some asshole over a love loss. i'm sure you'll find someone else out there." "so what should i do now?" i choked back from going out into a full out cry, trying to keep my composure. "first, you apologize.

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