Pokemon Crystal Pornlocke Chapter 3

yaoi, straight, yuri, you name it. all characters are 18 or older (level does not count as age.) especially in future chapters. egg pokemon are placed in pc. this is also 18+ please don't read if you are under 18+ feel free to comment any critiques.

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all about me meme

: straight. ____________________________________________________________________________ • - • s p e c i f i c s • - • ____________________________________________________________________________ - what kind of shampoo do you use?

Family Ties

He wasn't far off since the school finally allowed the gay straight alliance and relationships, or gsaar, to become an open club. sen was gay and he knew it with all of his being and only one person knew that he was.

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GSA chapter:1

And hi my name kyel.this is our story on how we started a gsa (gay straight alliance) in our high school. i guess we should start from the begining right? i am not very good at putting things into words so if there are mis-spelled word get over it!

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The Arousal part 3

I guess i never thought of it that way i never labeled myself as gay, straight, or bisexual, it just seemed weird. but i smiled and said "yeah i guess you can say that, i have never been with a guy before but i am very attracted to guys."

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Chapter Two

Sure enough, i use the teachings from our school's gay-straight alliance to give me wisdom. ** me: well he might be a metrosexual; however, if you've come to suspect this then maybe he is.

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Twinks Across America: Chapter 10 - Colorado

gay, straight, bisexual, transgender, questioning or pansexual didn't matter, so long as everyone remained respectful and gave consent.

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The Ultimate Man- Chapter 2

Unlike soccer and football, frisbee is one of the most welcoming of gays and lesbians second to the gay straight alliance on campus." watching from the front, i see a few of the other guys move in to stand beside pike.

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crossroad of worlds

Also for those people who may be offended by violence, mm,mf,mfm,fmf, mfmf, ff, fff, toysetc or anything else violent, naughty or other provocative material **avert thine eyes and read no further.** for all the rest pleas scroll down and enjoy my first

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Stupid Cupid- Dinner with the boss

"gay, straight, bi, i don't care! all i know is that i need your cum! give it to me you sexy bastard!" jerry screamed. eros' eyes darkened with lust at the admission, and drove the head of his prick deep into jerry's throat.

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Mist-Chapter 1

"i don't care if your gay, straight, or bi for that matter, as long as your happy." he said starting to calm down. "i'm just surprised that you took it this way." i said still in shock. "why shouldn't i. i mean i've been with guys too." "what?!"

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Chapter 14 - The Locker Room

gay? straight? unsure?" the fox didn't say anything for a while. she could see the sudden pain in his eyes from the demons of his past rising up. "complicated..."

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