SHK 14: The Artist-Engineer Part I

After the short briefing, mari went on deck and stared out to the sea, her memory recalling the days before she was captured, living with her tribe called the aqua purga by the other pikachu tribes because of their bluish tint and their water ties.

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Syren University: Happy Birthday!

Jamie closed his eyes for a moment, perhaps testing out how accurate and effective this memory recall was.

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My Wonderful Little Sister- Gathering Storm

I gritted my teeth as my memory recalled those events all too well. "katie, if we go our separate ways we'll be even more vulnerable than if we were together. i know things keep happening to us, be together we always find a way to pull through.

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Smelting Emotions

The sight of the lucario's furry twin spheres settled just below were an impressive sight within themselves; keez's somewhat hazy memory recalled how when he had last seen the other male in the nude the low hanging orbs hadn't been quite as big as they were

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Wolfhood: Chapter Two - Embarrassment

His memories recalling vivian pointing out his physical changes, later standing on digitigrades in front of his vanity mirror to confirm it, aiden broke from his thoughts and hastily scanned

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The Dragon Halfling

Spreading his wings as the memory recalled he caught the air and started into a glide. soon enough the other 2 plus aaron caught up to him. sheer elation filled jason as the thrill of flying pulsed through his body.

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Skyfall Chapter 18

Misha aras came back to visit more times than my memory recalled, i'm sure. he would speak to fleur and fin about my condition, occasionally run some tests, and then dismiss them to have his way with me.

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Wolvesbane -Part 3-

The moments they escaped to private rooms to act on their instincts were the most enlightening of memories; recalling the wild passion they shared with him as they gave in to every urge and every longing possessing them.

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Body Sushi

When i came to my senses, the deftly-tied seaweed strings that had been suspending gobs of tuna from his toes were gone; the yellowtail on his left pectoral was a memory recalled only by a sliver of flesh dropped on the leaves there; the remains of

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Brought into the Light: Part 8: Sheath and Knife fan fiction

"we went to my family's old cottage on the camp grounds to see if i'd have any memory recall...well i got violently sick...bad headache....vomiting....dizzy....i fell off the loft and cathy jumped after me and broke my fall...."

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That's Using Your Noggin

.%5b%2fi)" it was hazel's voice, clear as day, echoing through alice's head like a memory recalled verbatim. hazel had no mouth, but her voice was transmitted through the vibrations.

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Umbra Nightfall 2

As his memory recalls, the beast was never found after breaking into emily's room that rainy night. seth didn't stick around to find out, and he couldn't exactly ask about it. there was no way he was suppose to know about what happened at that manor.

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