Torpedo Run Chapter 24

Darlin', i wouldn't be messin' around inside an engine with no power! that's just silly." he heard the stifled snickering giggle, and grinned his big horsey grin again.

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I'm sorry connor, i was just messin' around, ya know? i didn't mean anything by it!"

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Why You Should (or Should not) Hide Your Porn Better

Me and ralph were just messin' around with ya. right, ralph?" the tiger next to him nodded, while trying to stop snickering. ben sighed as he stepped to the side, allowing the two cats entry.

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Episode 18: Power Play

"alright but i'm warnin ya i get shocked there gonna be hell to pay if i find out it's you two messin' around up there." knackt said heading up the gangway. "you got nothing to worry about." rosa replied. "he's the punchy sort isn't he?"

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Regret Chapter 8

I think that's where krystal got her edge - she wasn't messin' around that day, man." falco grinned casually and pushed his head back into the pillow. "damn that's good stuff. it's burnin' in my belly like... fire. it's amazing. it works fast and hell.

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Family Bear 2: Daddy Dominated

"hey you two, stop messin' around and get your hides out of the tub. markus put a darn towel on, you're getting water everywhere."

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The Greenmount Chronicles: Chapter 21: Pandora's Box Pt 1

"yeah, i never thought i'd see two brothers messin' around, but it's even more amazing that it's \_them\_, y'know?" rock nodded slowly, his voice husky with lust, yet compassionate and friendly. "i know, dude. i love mace just like you love roger.

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Kaiju ga Gotoku 2.1 - The Funeral

She wuz a motherly touch, warm but firm when needed, to corral us boys into being more respectable, when we weren't just messin' around with each other, heh." he turned to the photo of naomi with a deep sigh.

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"so how'd you end up messin' around inside truck engines an' shit?" stan put on a pair of oversized plastic gloves and took out a tube that said "liquid stitches". "went to a guidance counselor at the school.

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A Lamb Among Wolves Ch:29

"if i know my qails she's probably talkin' up a storm about that time we got caught messin' around in the closet." the wolf lamented. the other brothers laughed, vernon included as the white wolf let out another tired grumble. "well i ain't worried."

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Charmed [Nicobay Commission]

I was honestly only messin' around - we don't eat the smart ones." he made a toothy grin and extended a paw that dwarfed victor's, but the lizard didn't think showing fear was a good plan, here.

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11 - Of Fox & Wolf, Part 1

We've been off messin' around an' leavin' ya with all th' chores. that ain't right." _i never liked how i sounded like such a redneck in that form, but i didn't exactly get around to working on it, either. oh well.

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