Gathering Clouds

There were more guns in this area than expected, but still their bullets did nothing to zero unit's armor or dante's special clothing. it was over in a minute, "dante! moving into the building!"

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Restart Chp. 1

Hearing more gun shots, leaning against the tree, hearing his foot steps get closer and closer, everything goes quiet, my heartbeat seems to get louder with each foot step. closing my eyes tightly, not knowing what was going to happen next.

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Breathless: Chapter 1 The Bunker

We had our armory overstocked with more guns than we had use for. not to mention the sheer tonnage of bullets and explosives. i carefully picked my way across the broken landscape towards our comms array. i saw a familiar red suit.

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Wonders of Post-Apocolyptia Chapter 8 - Sinking Feelings

Seeing it wise to keep on the good side of a man who has more guns then bones, he smiled at the mouse as he approached him. "whatcha want?" grunted the mouse, keeping his eyes on his magazine. obviously marks "friendly approach" wasn't working so well.

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Brad's story, part 2

In clinton, there were both more cows than people, and more guns registered than people. it's about as country as you're going to get in maine.

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Born Bad - Part 3

Luckily there were some decent war movies on one of the stations, and the two boys quickly got into it, wanting to see more guns, more blood, more violence.

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Chapter VI: The Worst Situation

No he had seen the face of the gunman, well more gun-woman. he recognized her, someone from his past, someone from before he created the las vegas branch of the outsiders.

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Infection 4 Rewrite

He motioned from behind his polished african wood desk for me to sit down, while taking my seat i saw that he had added more gun ports in the walls since i had left, a doorway opened in the back left corner of the room and second walked in.

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Genetic Children-Log 09- Click, Click, Click!

It was always better to have more guns than the enemy in the off chance that you needed them; the man also had two m-84 flash grenades._ _â _ _after removing the grenades and proceeding, the signal was given to move to the building.

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Care Bear Magi Life Chapter 28

"no more guns!" flash heart zipped across the front of the line. flashes of light appeared in front of each swat officer and when flash heart stopped at the other side with a light sword in each hand, all of their guns fell apart into tiny chunks.

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Sarah's Sister

Besides, most of the families out here were the crazy survivalist kinds of people who owned more guns than dvd's. no one in their right mind would try to get into the house uninvited.

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United Through Two Worlds Chapter 7

The priest grabbed a few more guns as well as a grenade or two from below the altar and climbed up a ladder on one of the walls, unlocking a roof hatch. "what kind of priest is he?" michael wondered, a man of god packing so much firepower. "come on!"

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