Jarzyl's Clan Crisis

The musical instrument was a flat rack of hollow tubes in decreasing lengths--with a gap in the middle dividing the instrument into two.

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Maycor and Demaeter II

A slow, sombre melody emanated from the wing harp strapped atop his wings as each flap of his flight surfaces forced air through the musical instrument's tubes.

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Encyclopedia V2.2 (Vv - Zz)

A simple yet effective musical instrument, particularly effective when combined with various other instruments such as the jaruus\*.


Shadows Returning: Chapter 5

Surrounded by pictures of his family, musical instruments, and plushies, aurther felt as if he had no limits there.

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CatDance #15

Fortunately his talent with musical instruments was significantly better than that of his singing. | [!

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Of Lava and Lamb

Morsel was in her cage, body fidgeting, bored, as she slapped her tail across the bars like it was some sort of musical instrument.

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Twinks Across America: Ch. 47 - Massachusetts

Much obliged, i began playing with the black cat's well-brushed, well-groomed body like an erotic musical instrument. one capable of making beautiful noises.

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Working on V-day. Part-3

Once there they piled from the car and up the steps into the music instrument filled place. troy walked to the shower quickly hopping in.

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My Dad's Asshole (1)

Goddamn, it's better than any music, and playing my ol' dad is basically a musical instrument anyway. sing for me, daddy-o. i'll man the controls in the rear. "deal was the whole movie.

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Teaser 2

All the musical instruments in the world could not produce a sound like this. the sound gradually rose in pitch, reflecting off the cavern walls and ringing in isaac's ears.

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Sharon's Change

I have this odd craving to play my old musical instrument." julie smiled, "what did you used to play?" sharon replied, "i haven't played since i was a kid, but i was pretty good with a flute."

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A Day At Home

I'm putty in his hand right now, a musical instrument to my prostate. "g-give me a second." i take a breath, moving a hand going to my sheath and balls.

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