Cubinioa -7- everyones freinds in a Foxhole

"dept aren't you over reacting a bit. what ever he did saved us." says dub the little squirrel. "it saved us this time, but who knows next time he might just sell us out.

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Chance Encounters: High School Sophomore Year.

Maybe i over reacted. seeing you this morning. with your friends and ignoring me..." "so you ignored me and pushed me into the mud?" chance looked at him in disbelief. "what are you? five?" jasper just growled looking away.

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We Enjoy Each Other

He ran a paw through his hair; _am i over reacting..._ he pulled his paw from his hair and brought ti quickly in front of his eyes before his face twisted. " i need a shower...," cloud muttered as he realized that he just brushed his hair back with a filthy

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Roundabout take 2

**zack was always a calm guy; never one to shout or over react or the like. he was praised by parental figures for being well behaved and loved by friends for being a good listener. he wasn't the most intelligent guy, but by no means dumb.

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The Gay Goth Dog: CHAPTER 16 (part one)

"im so sorry i over reacted." he said whimpering. "it's fine hon, i was being a complete dick. hell, i would have punched myself, just for hurting you like that." i said and licked his cheek. he murred softly then we continued on with our trip home.

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Across the Schism, Intro

People started getting nervous, and the press, realizing that people wanted stories showing the furs as unstable and dangerous, immediately started over reacting to every thing involving anthros. then came the uproar over inter-species relationships.

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Journey to another world pt2 ch78

'i think that she's over reacting a bit, but considering her past, i don't think that it's to much of a stretch that she's in that kind of a position.'

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Anger Management

"but one who has something to hide or are are ashamed of something they tend to over react and over compensate for the inner feelings." the fox glared at me. "what are you saying that i'm thrilled closet lez? ha you fucking wish.

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Dragon Heart: Greydor Story 3

Hrm...maybe i'm just over reacting i mean maybe i was at a different section of the beach. it is pretty early so my brain wasn't on full mast, and i haven't eaten anything since yesterday when sam gave me that apple...maybe i should go home to eat.

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Ignacio 4

"that's another thing, when he knows he's over reacted he'll go over board to make amends and apologize" dad says kissing me. "he might run, but he wouldn't go far from you or pedro" dad says.

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Confusion part 3

"hey, sorry for over reacting...zen did you mean what you said?" this is kind of a dumb question because he kissed me..' zen looked at the ground. "yeah..." "zen..."

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Ruff and Purr

"i think you're over reacting beatrice, pica's never had fleas and the two of them are my family." "you'd rather choose them over me and cilantro? do you know what you're saying?" i can smell something in the air.

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