Marshall's Love Adventure

He could never afford anyone finding out, for if anyone made fun of him, his low self-esteem would hit a new rock bottom. although, lately it had been a different story. he started dreaming of zuma every night, and was crazy for the chocolate lab pup.

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XII. Planes of Existence

Reading the script, i concluded shawn's self esteem was low, but i had not noticed it was borderline racist. i was glad when the monologue was over - some of it was downright depressing!

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Journal of a Changed Slave: Ch.7

But even with that in mind, it's hard to keep my self esteem up... my fault or not, this is me now, this is my body...

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Reflections and Dwindling Hope

At some point over the years, i stopped seeing you as your own pony and more as an idol of coolness i was using to prop up my own self-esteem. and as a result i got possessive of you. so when i saw the ponies you usually hang out with, i got jealous.

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My Life as a Slave 4

"well besides no self esteem he is fine. but i want to make sure he is ok over the next couple months," he said.

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Being brutally honest, in fact, sounds more like putting one's own self-esteem and personal ideologies before others. is this selfish? is the "goodness" of being "brutally" honest dependent on the end goal of such honesty?


Vagabond - Chapter 4

"honestly, he's fine, but he's trying to milk the whole thing to try to repair his self esteem." "oh, very honorable, trick other people into doing your will." "ha, yeah. so, um... there was something i've been wanting to tell you." "you're gay?!"


Jay Bunny - Entry 1

On the other hand, i couldn't just turn it down because then i'd be saying that i have no self-esteem and i'd look like a big loser. "whatever," i finally decided on. "just back the fuck off."

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Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 11

She also loved to mock others, and make their self-esteem fall to an all time low. the leader, a tall male rottweiler with black fur and a face of a trouble maker, always started fights.

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 9 Jealousy?

I was proud of him, he had made such huge strides, both on the track and in his self esteem. and it wasn't fake self esteem, it was earned self esteem, earned by true accomplishment.

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Rexville 28: Lessons & Warnings

"that is one way to boost some self-esteem," xavier said genuinely surprised at his statement. were antler folks being the least popular? or were the trends just come and go time and time again? he would never know.

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