Pet Groomer

* * * it took a while, but kelsey finally woke up, her mind still half-buzzing with the afterglow of her orgasm and drifting in the remnants of sub-space... that wonderful state where a sub gives full trust and control to their dominant.

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Into the Horizon: A plan is born

His parents were killed when a sub-space bomb had been set off near their solar system. the shock wave alone tore the atmosphere away from their planet. the weapon had been far more powerful than anybody had ever expected it to be.

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A Cheetah Dominated

She had to work, as always, to keep her sharp teeth away from that sensitive flesh but leaning forward, knees wantonly spread, sent a shiver of delight through her, sub-space just barely beyond her fingertips if only she leaned into it with the passion that

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Dominated by Daddy Dom

Slipping from one position to another, jerome drifted in sub-space. he didn't need to think, didn't even need to act on anything, not when his father was there to shove him right where he was best wanted and needed.

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Into the Horizon: Betrayed and Wounded

He had almost saved the empire the trouble of killing him after the sub space bomb incident. it was what made him realize what needed to be done, but there was no way to accomplish it.

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Pegged by the Twins

A warm seep of feminine juices splattered to the floor between the vixen's legs, however, and grayscale could not help but moan, head swimming pleasantly in sub-space as if he had consumed alcohol before even meeting up with the twins that night.

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2.4 - No Return

" ... well, it might be nothing, but i'm picking up some odd sub-space static emanating from the station." "couldn't it be random em interference? or background radiation? celestial phenomenon, even?"

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Melinda Montserrat Book Two CH 3

Fortunately our master was aware and skillful enough to recognize that i had slipped far too deeply into sub-space and brought me out and gave me the after care that i needed." mel trilled hugging herself a moment. "yes.

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