Albion chapter 7

"i lived in the world before i withdrew from it," the tall, slender dalmatian replied. "i've been in many a pub, believe me. don't worry." having said that, sister elenna smiled at him. rutger noticed trajan and sierra moving off into the crowd.

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Delicious Final Boss Monologue

"no, i travelled all around the world before coming here. sure, there are some humans treating the monsters badly, and vice versa.

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Journey (The Gate)

I, all by myself might have let loose something that could've devastated most of the world before it was stopped. contained, and brought back here. i might have been responsible for the loss of innumerable lives.


Diamond Run Forever

He stumbles and very near trips, mouth opening to curse the world before he spots it. a ball. a hoof-ball. "hey mister, little help?"

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Chapter 3- the dark master no more?

"i love you too spyro" she said "i love you more than anything else in the world" before he could reply they heard a groan from where the dark master had been and started as the rubble shifted to show a semi purple dragon slowly getting up.

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Giant Kobold Cruelty

Having to crawl through the last dozen feet of the tunnel was an awkward and unfamiliar experience, and her clothing started to tear apart from the steady growth, but upon escaping the confines of the mountain, she looked around in awe of the world.

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My foxy Days: Friendship

He said that he'd never felt this terrified of the world before and that he cannot cope with being alone like this. he said everything is gone and that the only thing consoling him are his memories that keep stabbing his heart like glowing knifes.

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Attracting A Dragon's Interest

To be fair, he hadn't really known much about the world before the dragons came through the portals almost twenty years ago. they had taken over and started changing the systems of the world.

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Snapshots - The Final Frontier

the world before me blurred into a thousand spiderwebbed images. no... not images. fragments. glass, partially shattered, surrounding me on all sides. tiny fragments scrunched beneath my bare feet, mixed with a tiny pool of bluish liquid.

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Chapter 9 - This Seems Familiar

I couldn't believe it any more than the average person could believe country music made a massive impact on the world.

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The Saldean War, Chapter One

After this i will be writing some chapters from a different point of view (and a different part of the world) before these two characters will appear again. i would greatly appreciate comments as i'm always trying to improve on my writing.


Mortar's Female

He then started to lay down, hovering over her to hide her from the world before his hips started to move in a jack-hammering motion. much like a wolf would do to his mate, he just pounded harder and faster, as his knot kept him inside.

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