Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 4

I wish well rested," the fox-wolf began. "hello sis, how was the night?" asked stephen. "how did you sleep, miss queen?" joined frank simson. "i don't know, i'm rested." "did you see our load carrier?" asked stephen.

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Thief's Bane

It was as if he had full freedom to leave the room any time he wished. "well, at least not until next time!" he proclaimed as he made his way to the door. only a few steps, however, had been taken before he realized that something was horribly wrong.

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Where Everyone Belongs*

He slumped on a bench that leaned against the park wishing well. he hated being small. all his life he was picked on for his size and his small frame. it wasn't the first time he was beaten up, nor probably the last.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 4b, Your Highness (Pt 4)

Malcom considered himself a goodly man who wished well for others, but he still couldn't keep himself from smiling at the hopelessly embarrassed expression on tobia's muzzle as he followed the doctor back into the room; the antelope's visage only grew paler

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romance lessons

Tabitha glances back and forth from the two, and then sighs slightly and concedes to their wishes. "well you're right daughter of mine.

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Tough Lessons - Part I

." --- the wishing well was the perfect place for a tough otter like ryan to relax. nice big parking spots for his truck, close to the job site, and plenty far away from his wife and cubs. it also didn't hurt that it was a gay bar.

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Coon Fandango 4: Just another day.

"n-no," he mutters, _i wish!_ "well, spill it!" she growls. fearing her wrath, treel quickly sums up what happened, then finishes with, "and she seems to think i would make a good _mate_ for remarra!"

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Family Vacation

There was a wishing well and some embarrassingly dressed actors for pictures as well as a petting zoo of all things thrown together in the main square of the village.

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Two Lost Lambs in the Forest

The eyes of the german shepherd sparkled like gold coins at the bottom of a wishing well and held an intelligence that seemed to look right through her.

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Our First Year Chapter 4

It's my wish." "well what did you wish on?" "i saw a shooting star this morning. just before the sun rose." shawn lifted his gaze from the water and met jake's eyes. "just like in my dream. your eyes are gleaming.

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Tough Lessons - Part III

Here he was, at the wishing well for the 3rd time with caleb. admittedly, the first time didn't go so great since he overestimated how much alcohol to direct the horse to drink. caleb ended up blacking out. horses were supposed to have big livers, right?

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Drunken Lullabies #10

"gave a wishing well a ten dollar coin. you?" the otter joked. "xmas gift." a chuckle from the brown one at just how dry bartan said that. "from the mistress?"

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