ArchMages Apprentice

#2 of archmages apprentice the archmage's apprentice two the archmage gllyln reined in his foaming sweating gelding and dismounted. tossing the reins to ol' corda his stable master.

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The Gift- Apprentice

As my apprentice, you will be competing against three other members in this house for the right to replace me when i die." he smirks, "i know you won't lose. you'll make me proud.

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Apprentice in the Forest

He had received a strange apprentice, one who was willing to put up with his tricks and line of work. truthfully he had been planning on taking her on as he had many, but most found his teaching style to be abrasive.

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Apprentice: Spellbound

And took a step towards her apprentice, bending down to nose under his arm with her snout.

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Apprentice: The Induction

#1 of apprentice (dragon x human) this story is a prequel for xianyu's story, titled apprentice. chapter one is here:

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His Apprentice

It was when lindel's own former apprentice, elias ainsworth, visited the sanctuary that koun's life changed for the better. elias was a man, of sorts.

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The Kitsune's Apprentice

_This is the sequel to A Tale of Two Vixens I was talking about writing, though you don't need to have read that series to understand this one. If you have any comments, questions, concerns, or commission ideas, please let me know in the comments...

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Equestrian Apprentice

Wrote this a long time ago but never got around to uploading it. is the helios in the story~ equestrian apprentice arxl woke to a bright light streaming in through the windows.

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The Shipwright's Apprentice

"i could tell from the moment i met you," maurice replied, "that was why i picked you as my apprentice. i wanted to give someone like me a chance to live their life the way i always wanted to live mine."

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