Lost with Life Chapter 4

Link let out a brief yell as he quickly stumbled back, but when he saw what startled him, he felt embarrassed. He saw a sort of floating imp, clearly female, and wearing nothing but a large smile on her face. She did however appear to have some sort of...

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Lost with Life Chapter 3

Link quickly spun around with his spear in both hands, but saw nothing behind him. Then he looked up to a house carved into the tree, and was surprised to see something move away from the window at the top. He knew someone or something was in there...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 14

There were what looked like people, both human and pokemon all skinless, and melted into the walls of the cave. They all had terrifying looks of pain plastered on their face, but worst of all, they were still alive. They were moving, screaming. They...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 9

Thea suddenly opened her eyes, feeling someone's lips on her's. She pushed the person off her only to violently cough up water all over the floor of the cave they were in. Part of her couldn't believe that she was still alive, she was sure that was...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 8

Robin looked around as Janus rowed his way down the river cave. Their path illuminated by the many glow worms clinging to the ceiling. Everyone was completely silent. All that could be heard was the sound of the wooden paddles splashing against the...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 7

They pushed on, opening the door in front of them only to be confronted by yet more stairs leading down into the earth. No one looked happy when they saw that they had to travel deeper into the bowels of this infernal place. They all heard the sounds...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 4

Thea lit up another torch, and walked behind Hilda. She watched as the red haired woman put down her shield for just a moment to open the door in front of her. At first, there was nothing but a seemingly vast expanse of black, the light barely...

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What I Was Made For

A man standing at 5'7 was washing his hands in some grubby sink at some public rest room. He was washing the blood off his knuckles, most of which was not his own. Once he washed the blood off, he noticed that he was bleeding from one of his knuckles;...

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Lost with Life Chapter 8

After an hour of trying to put as much distance between themselves, and the castle, Link could go no further. He had to take a break. "Stop... for just a moment," he weakly said to her before he made his way over to a nearby tree, and sat underneath...

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The Evil of Love Chapter 8

Rulf, Taleen and Sarkis all ran with the other volunteers, making their way closer and closer to the huge keep. The rain began to pour, soaking the dirt path that everyone was running up. The sound of chainmail, plated mail and the sounds of the chains...

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The Dark Descent Chapter 12

Robin slowly opened his eyes, but he couldn't see anything. Without the torch light, it was impossible to see what was around him. However, he got a sudden feeling of dread when he heard something unusual. He could hear a strange click-clacking sound....

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The Dark Descent Chapter 11

Thea was laying in the tent, on her back, staring up at the beautiful dwarf on top of her. "Hilda..." She whispered as she looked over the dwarf's bare body. Her breasts were the first thing that caught her eye. She couldn't stop herself from reaching...

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