Breathing Walls

Almost as if the walls are breathing. well not 'almost as if', they are breathing. it's not well known that walls breathe but the few that do know, are not just told but know, hear them. slow and relaxed, deep and thoughtful.

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Winter’s Breath

As the breath continues what was once a damp cold air is now starting to turn into a curtain of white specks.


Breath of Shadows

Majin's mind exploded with pleasure as the cold mist filled his body, assimilating his insides as he breathed it in.

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A Breath of Spring

I loosened my grasp just enough to let him gasp in a breath as he nodded his head. "very good. now, shall we try this again?"

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The Dragon's breath

I didn't notice it at first, but it matched a dragon on the sign, except that one was breathing fire and would glow neon when the bar opened.


The Breath of the Sphynx

Thoughts now crowded the room until he could scarcely breathe. around a week after closing up shop, he found his mind slipping out of comfortable slumber and into strange places far under the world.

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The Breath of the Dragon

His was consciously fighting his body's instinctive response to breathe, but each second of oxygen-deprivation was making it harder and harder for him to hang on. just one breath. one breath and he'd hold it in till the end.

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Neon Breath

She parted and breathed out to the air, little rabbit panting as she brought herself up before coming back down to let him inside.

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Just Breathe

He was able to 'breathe' just fine, but he wasn't really breathing the water, and he wasn't producing any bubbles as he exhaled. it was as though he was still up above the surface with all the air he could want.

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Breath of the Wild

He took a deep breath and approached the cave, whistling to get the attention of its scaled inhabitants while raising his hands to show that he had no weapons.

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He loomed over ryu, who was sprawled out and panting, breath fluttering every time his cocks twitched, chest shiny with sweat and pre. "can i--" rei said, and he voice was clotted and rasping, little more than a growl.

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