Shootout at the Ragged Mare (story by ceeb)

Soon, the walker began to pant and snort again with an oncoming orgasm, and again, he was ruthlessly cockblocked.

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To Become a Furrie

I've been cockblocked for a week, and when i don't do it for a while, i start to have weird dreams. this is one of those dreams. i kinda like this plot, i think it'd make a good series.

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A few people had seen them sneak off, because for anyone watching closely enough it was obvious what was going on, but those folks were at least good enough to not cockblock a pair of strangers.)

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Best Way to Travel Pt.3

" well ben, i would take you out for a drink but i can guess what you are doing here, i won't be cousin cockblock. have fun. don't be too rough on my cousin dr. murress" the well dressed husky said as the doors opened for 6.

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Cherry: Chapter 7 - Black Sheep Among Wolves

He'd apparently prepared himself after bathing, considering we were cockblocked last night by the two assholes who shot up his motel room.

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Part 5-The Eye of the Storm

Once again, the writer's cockblock demon haunts me, and therefore causes me to think that this section of the story sucks.

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Hearth Star: Warrior of the God-King

"kill the fatass cockblocker!" one of the wuffs shouted, the glow from their power blade reflecting off the burnt orange of the stranger's power armor.

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U.C.O.D. Scorn of The Lost: Chapter 7 (A Battle Plan)

Why do i always have to be the cockblock?" cyllea and eve got up and laughed.

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Can t believe i got cockblocked by the fuckin army though...

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Aphrodite City 11: All Things Must End

"this is our city now cockblockers!" the shorter one screamed.

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Snowy Insides.

Time to take revenge for the amount of times you've cockblocked us today, you needy slut~" agnes shivers from those words, purring. "oh please do! punish me real good, gavin!"

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Reptilian Trinity Chapter 2

"fuck this, i've had enough of being cockblocked. let's get out of here."

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