
Specifically, it occurs before the combine can even get to our universe.

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The elements

The secondary elements are created by combining 2 primary elements. the primary elements are fire, water, earth, lightning, dark, and light. this "works" image shows the secondary element and how they are combined.


The Dark Warrior: An Attack

I had never seen so many before, certainly not in such a combination. all the tiger castes seemed combined, regardless of beliefs or the colors of their fur. the image is still burned within my memory, even hours later.

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Furry Situations- Chapter 2

He closed his locker and placed the combination lock on and walked over to michael's locker. "let's see what we can do with your little friend over here then," trevor said as he reached up and started to spin the combination.

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I've worked so hard, ever since i didn't get my name in the top 24 at the combine. all those hours spent working my tail off, those training camps, watching in agony as you played in the combine challenge and i had to sit on the sidelines.

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Notes : Symbian Gender and Sex

A combination is given a solson example, which is a member of a species that is very commonly found to have the combination.


[Commission For Meister_Li] Unlimited

Come on, let's combine." "really?!" joolira looked to the taller female with bright eyes and a wide grin, "you'll combine with me?"

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Furtasia: Thladiran Language

**diphthongs** diphthongs are blended vowel combinations. thladiranu recognizes three standard diphthongs in the language. in other combinations of vowels, each vowel is pronounced individually: **ai -** as heard in "sigh", "shy", "pie", and "rye".

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Coming Out + Epilogue

Kevin was certain that the civet would return from his mission alive as well, and that they would see each other again, if not at the combine challenge, than at the draft.

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Sleeping without the Remote (Otherwise Untitled)

The apartment replied with a combination of silence, and the sound of tractor pull trucks failing to break garden hoses. ~ he had been warm. he had been comfortable.

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Assassin: Part 1

My calf was stinging like a mother and i began mentally debating what the proper combination of valium and vodka would be to dull the pain.

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