Spice of Life

I.q made another attempt at a corny joke. "har har, very funny. i will." sonny forced out a friendly chuckle.

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Best Present Ever

I knew you were the one after you said something so corny." "if you think it was corny, then why did you move in?" the gator feigned indignation, but it only got another laugh out of his lover. "i wanted a corny guy, they're the best.

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Entry 15

It sounded sort of corny to be honest, but i'm starting to understand it.. we really have shared everything in this life so far, we're lucky to be so close too, i've met people who can't stand their siblings and it makes me sort of sad.

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Lament of the Moon: S&H - Ch.02: Friendly Unknown - Ep.03

Though, if sasuga liked to watch them, he could bear the agony and stay through one episode with her, if the corniness didn't kill him before that.

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Unknown desires

#1 of unknown desire pokémon + transformations = corny. oh my god why are all the pokémon transformation stories so corny and wilted? people don't transform into pokémon on a whim!...

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Dis*&^ world creepy pasta xxx (wip)

**all sorts of trigger warnings here and bad grammar and spelling you always see this sort of stuff late at night online... you swear its too corny it can't be real but the hair on the back of your neck still tingles and stands

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That Scent Act I and Prologue

"yeah." came a corny yeah. as if to distract the dragon from... "how old are you?" he asked, not so much concerned with the kid as he wanted to tug on his leash. but that's not to say that allen wasn't concerned. he was. it's just that...

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Two Worlds Collide: Chapter 1

Everyone agreed that the name was corny, but had a nice ring to it. his dog max, a husky, all grey except for the muzzle and paws were black and his belly was white.

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Prologue- What the fur happened last night?

They might be corny or cliche, but i wanted to give it a try. my name is erebus... at least i think it is. i'm still not sure if it is, but it was the name in journal that was left right next to me. hold on, maybe i'm getting a little ahead of myself.

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The Tales of HTFC - Introduction

Wandering over and sitting down with the nicole and the others i couldnt help but muse over how a small group of people could get so close, it sounds corny, but when you spend your working life and home life with the same people, they really do become your

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Gadiel Horsepower

Ernie's corny introductions were always good for a laugh. last time it was something about the bucking bronco and the time before about hauling a couple kegs of... beer.

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Kevin Stair and Dr. Humble: A Serial Romance Part 2

I know it sounds corny, but to me, sex means more than getting your rocks off in pleasant company. it's completely sharing yourself with someone. if you're don't, you might as well be masturbating."

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