Raquel's Trade Pt. 3

"you're worse than cyndi!" "thanks, i think. but onto the subject at hand." kayleigh gave the nipple a firm squeeze and bent down to nuzzle the upper left nipple; raquel sipped air. "just do what you like, love," the husky continued.

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Roger That! A Friend's Approval

I watched her face to make sure i wasn't hurting her, but she seemed to take what i had better than cyndi loesser, and she was a snow leopard. that girl was pretty, stupid, and tight as fuck; but a total screamer. one time with her was enough.

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I was shaking my tail around crazily to the sound of cyndi lauper screaming "girls just wanna have fun" when i realised exactly gay i was acting, or at least by some people's definition anyway, so i shut off the music and collapsed on my bed, hating

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What, a dog isn't a pokemon? chapter three

"that was a fluke and since we killed cyndi you don't have anyone to protect you." juno yelled to dairu. "you're the one that set fire to the center." dairu said angrily. slap, "juno you idiot."

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Zippy Zipperdale: Moderately Mad Scientist--The Eleventh Experiment

The waiters and waitresses were all dressed up like icons from the era: don johnson, michael jackson, madonna, cyndi lauper, elvira and such, and even a ronald reagan.

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Flaming Restaurant

"you're such a tease, cyndi! i don't know if elora taught you that or if it was the other way around," suddenly, a loud growl was heard. spyro flinched, placing both hands on his stomach. "yikes, looks like i'm more hungry than i thought.

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Surviving the Harem Life! Chapter 8

I did heavily embarrass myself by singing and dancing to cyndi lauper's "girls just wanna have fun". eventually, the most inevitable song came on, and i couldn't help dancing. the bees gees "stayin' alive". i could dance.

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Part II: He Who Forgets the Past …

As she gave them a table dance and sang along to cyndi lauper's "girls just want to have fun", the tigress caught zeke's eyes for a moment and gave him a smile.

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The Fantabulous Sushi of Master Tso Wat

For maureen, janet jackson's "again" plays as she questions whether it is right to let her heart and libido guide her in terms in what she wants from him as takara hears cyndi lauper's "time after time" as she bitterly battles between her lesbian leanings

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Trouble Brewing (Chapter6, Act1, Book2)

Unless you somehow find this fun, i'm feeling lied to by cyndi lauper. if you'd just let me help, we could get out of here a lot faster. that sounds a whole lot more 'fun' to me, right?"

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Cafe Plaisir - Jack (Part 2)

We moved here when i was jus' a cyndy, an' we started up this place. it's sort of a long story, ya' see. but we've been great friends ever since he hatched me."

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