A Mender's New Hope

Uh-oh, he thought; there were strict punishments for desertion in the gremlin world, usually ones that involved more than a little bit of manual labor in the deconstruction zones.

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OR: Apacians

**technology** : apacians are masters of the periodic table of elements capable of fabricating and producing anything they require through the deconstruction of raw materials into their chemical components.

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Subject Alpha Returns

Today was a deconstruction day. as with any deconstruction day, i'm _supposed_ to spray myself down with enough repel to keep wild pokemon away. or at least, most of the wild pokemon away. so far, that has been a matter of mixed success.

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Together Forever - Chapter 1

The atoms of the remnants of our meals are deconstructed, only to wait inside these machines to be constructed again at our command.  cooking and cleaning are tasks of ancient history.  

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Open House Day One Part Two

Strongest spell: soul deconstruction (possesses an opponent's soul and literally rips it apart while still in the body) birthday: june 17, 1990 ennica was born into a wealthy line of panthers.


What about Binary Fission?- Chapter 1

Alec snickered and began his work, carefully examining the dna structure of the virus to see if there was a way to stop the total deconstruction of host dna.

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A Debunked Theory

'i'm a deconstruction worker!' or at least, that's what kwandry pictured.. the red panda felt his eyelids begin to weigh down; a telltale sign that it was time to sleep.

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Aster 1-2

This city was gargantuan and frantic and terrible, but it was also beautiful that such a thing could exist without a rapid and perilous deconstruction. everyone knew their place.

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Pepper VS Wordplay

"if i back up your data and carefully deconstruct it, i can print you an identical copy when i am well again," she said. i immediately thought about all the porn on my ipad, and my passwords.

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Beastars: A/B/O Deconstruction Part 2

"Hey, uh, Juno, could I talk to you alone?" the little white rabbit was crinkling her school uniform in her hands, looking as bashful as a prey might who dared to come up to the predators' lunch table. She tried to ignore all the **_looks_** she got,...

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Lady of Luck Part 2

Peter stirred as he heard dawn deconstructing their camp. peter rose silently and walked over to dawn and asked, ‘where are we going?'

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Character Bio's

Name: jack bloodsmith race: sand dragon gender: male abilities: weapons repair, basic repair, deconstruction, reconstruction, cooking, basic maintenance history: being a naturally gifted mechanic, jack lived in a village the human passes through