Jamming With Matt (Diapers)

Michael bit his lip, and waited matt to follow up and investigate his gaffe, but to no avail. once matt started talking about music again, michael took a sigh of relief.

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Paying your respects

Realizing he might be staring, he tried to cover his gaff with a compliment. "surely you jest, a lady such as yourself confined to an out of the way station such as this? i'm sure you would be welcome wherever you went."

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Ainge's Changes, Part 6

Tommy realized his verbal gaffe, and immediately tried to cover his mistake by turning his attention to his soft drink and taking a few hard pulls from the straw. "is there something going on between the two of you that i need to know about?"

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Mitriaria (chapter 26)

The fucking moron brought it to light,' he was still displeased with the wolf for having blown the gaff in the worst moment. 'lizaru got angry with you cos he told her that.' 'somehow or other, someone had to tell her the truth some time.

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Mitriaria (chapter 25)

It was a gaffe i regret having made,' he said, trying to appease her. 'liar,' jakso told him. 'you shut up!' 'dersaco, you're a bastard. you don't know how much i suffered for her,' lizaru told him.

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Working Things Out: Part 1

Sneakered feet padded along the tile floor, and there he was, finnegan mullins, varsity track champion of gaffe county high four years running, valedictorian, then summa cum laude ivy leaguer, now one of the highest paid lawyers in the state.

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This Way Madness Lies - Chapter 2

Personally, i think your gaffes are quite charming. they enhance a certain quality of innocence you have." "don't you mean ignorance?" "if i meant ignorance, i would have said ignorance," she chided him, heading for the rooftop door.

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Tales of Airethe 18: The Wrongside Tavern

Almost immediately the barmaids pull the pistols they have secured somewhere on their persons, either beneath their skirts or tucked in the back of their blouses while rollo, realizing the situation is dire, yanks out the gaffe hook hanging at his side and

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Splintered Light, Ch 2.3: No Smoking Section

Following that, the bandicoot called out "there's a fuckin' fishing gaff stickin' outta my leg! there's a fuckin' pole in my god-damn leg!!!"

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A Night in Tranquility

Only after the words escaped my lips did i realize that i had made the social gaff of suggesting she was old.  such a statement was meaningless to those such as i, but humans didn't seem to care for then.      "not a dog, jonathan, a dog." 

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Earth's New Masters Part 4 The Honeymoon Begins

I managed to weather all of them and was finally able to bring it along side the boat for master to gaff, since it was too big to net. we put it on the scale to get a weight.

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Abandoned Asylum

Jonathan, albert and borat pulls up trap door, using a gaff hook for leverage as they look to see if there is anything to loot from the corpses that could be there.

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