Then they were called to supper and everybody sat, talked, ate, teased and had a great time proclaiming the return of the son and the grandson back to the family house.
The Dogs: And It Came To Pass In Those Days
He swept up his grandson to lift him up so that he could see the stars shining - heaven - above them.
And i love my sons and grandsons, and i love my max more than i have words for.
"Polecat", chapter 1
Tros was there, waiting for him, wearing a similar smile, excited to see his grandson again.
3.2 The Truth is Out
Of course, by the time it was over with, my grandfather left while murmuring something like "my grandson's successor is a monster..."
College Life: Chapter 10
That's your grandson that you decided needed to leave-" "he said he was going to stay with paddy!" the aged woman interrupted. she didn't want to talk about this. her own grandson a homosexual?
Observations from professor Oak
The book copies that my grandson sent me have been taken. the ninetales is reading to her children. i have asked the ninetales to translate the books into kanto, but she wrote it in old kanto.
Jak's Wild - CH 7
I _know_ you're not really my grandson, but i don't give a damn! as far as anyone else will ever know, you're my daughter's son. as far as bender and i are concerned, i've adopted you, to take my wayward grandson's place," master skrall said.
Benjamin the Wolf
But when his grandson felt benjamin's paw, his body had turned cold. he knew from then on that he would have to call members of the family to tell them the terrible news.
[Commission] Getting Together - With Old Acquaintances
Thomas leaned back in his chair--back into his grandson's embrace--and turned to look up at the younger wolfdog.
Fields of Zorandor Introduction
Avi carried his grandson to the room that was specifically for him on the occasion on which the family would visit or just drop off lucian for some quality grandpa and grandson time together.
Protectors and Sorrow
Her grandfather said in a shocked angry tone, "who are you and what have you done with my grandson?" "what?", she said noticing her voice was back to the deep dangerous tone she now had, "its me, but..." "you're not my grandson!!!"