Down the Pipes Ch. 1 Opening of Doors Opening of Bowls

Eventually the louder sounds gave way to low gurgles and the slosh of liquids being shifted round and through places.

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Blood Part I

The wolf gurgled loud, tears in his eyes, although didn't even tense a muscle in retaliation. i took a sharp claw and severed his bladder and intestines with ease. blood spewed out. his gurgling was falling fainter.

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Belly Rubs (Hard Drive X Warrio)

Warrio yawned herself and used hard drive's belly as a pillow, with the gurgles of his belly helping her sleep.

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Project Icarius - Chapter One

" better go easy buck - " palen gurgled, then timed his own awkward hip movements to opposite those of stephen, who began rocking faster and faster.

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Balm for Dichotomy

Paws feeling the gurgle-goo ... she'd almost forgotten it was on her belly. it wasn't making any sounds. but it was vibrating very slightly. like ... subdued purrs. "i think gurgle-goo's asleep," juneau realized.

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Move In for the Kill

It gurgled quietly around its meal, a soft burp rising up the cheetah's throat. he swallowed again, the victim's thighs passing into his throat.

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The Happy Crow's Creamy Latte

All he could do was moan with need drool dripping down his beak body sloshing and gurgling loudly.

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Coming of Age

Geoff gurgled and struggled weakly, unable to resist the sexual urges that burned deep within him, his swiftly rising erection visible as a large bulge in his thin slacks.

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