Nightmares of the Conscience -Fritz Story-

Looking down at his lap, fritz remembered he was carrying not only his bag of personal belongings, but a german translation of the tales of greek hero heracles.

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Simple Beginnings: The Prologue

It was a large doberman pinscher dressed in a cheesy pimp suit with the muscles on him to rival heracles.   all lucas could say was "j-j-j-jerome..."  

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Simple Beginnings: The Prologue

It was a large doberman pinscher dressed in a cheesy pimp suit with the muscles on him to rival heracles. all lucas could say was "j-j-j-jerome..."

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7 Year Journey

After you immobilized the heracles, i was able to enable the same type of sabotage device that i used on the jackson. i also had sabotaged the captain's yacht so he was unable to escape." he shuddered. "he was a h1 member, i'm sure of it.

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He is a muscle god, a heracles reborn! but i trust your discernment. you always have been very sensible around guys you dated, after all. 04.41pm_ that was the true, of course, event though he hadn't dated that much.

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Journal of Shadows 2

Allen had studied ancient graeco-luxem mythologies in the past and always wondered if he'd have someone like zeus or heracles as a shadow.

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Dodekatheon Pantheon

So were heracles, king minos of crete and helen of troy. that his children are capable of spreading order and justice is undeniable. that they are capable of great destruction and ruin is equally undeniable.

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Paying Tribute

_:and heracles started off as, in his words, "just a guy who likes to hit things." all gods start small. you've made a fair start of things, however.

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Faust and the Incubus

If heracles was chipped forth from volcanic stone and set alight, the two would have been indistinguishable. what shocked faust the most was not that the demon was here, but what was between the nude demon's legs.

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Hold it in my hands that after the talk with my own oracle heracles had spoken to me and said i am destined to reach thebes again, and here i am, he must have known the city was under a horrible grasp from this riddle and knowing that our intellect is strong

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Casino Chimaera: Scylla I

"from as early as i can remember i've loved the stories of jason and the argonauts, the trials of heracles, st. george and the dragon..." his eyes glazed over momentarily before he snapped back to the present. "it's all so interesting.

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Glen, rachel, ambrosia, and heracles stood solemnly and witnessed it. neither human could fully put their attention on the rites, though.

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