Magical Adventure 2

I'm not home right now you paw-licker. if you can get and stay clean by the end of the session, i'll give you a reward! the timer will lose two minutes every time you get dirtier. npcs can increase or decrease your time at will.

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On Heated Nights the Arcanine Howl

Visibly on the verge of a pokémon-licker-induced orgasm, his form squirmed and writhed beneath two furry assailant's erotic wills. "arc arc..."  

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Possible Aftermath of Office Sex

"good licker," zander says, "get in between my toes and i'll consider a raise in your paycheck." i make sure to lick in between his toes, an erotic feeling washing over me. i feel his over foot massage my belly and i start purring.

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Failing First Impressions 2

"awww, who's a good little ass-licker?" "mmmph..." "that's right. you are. and good ass-lickers, good little sluts, get rewarded. let me just set this up..."

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Raccoon City Stories.

Zombies, zombie dogs, which we found out were called cerberus, and lickers... fuck lickers, man. but all of them have one thing in common. they don't see you, they won't attack you.

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Reinvention - Reinvented Epilogue: Results

Myrtle spent most of her time like this now, lilo no longer having much need for her as a pussy licker with nani around. but the pelekais treated her well, after all she was technically ohana now. and they'd tasked her with an important job.

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Demitri - Another day with the same old same old

John said "shut up you window licker mic abuser i don't care what i say." the other person said. "well achmed i don't care who you blow just if it's not me..." i didn't hear the rest as i fell a sleep.

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Jem's Bad Week (Part 5)

"alright, you worthless dung-lickers! rise and shine!" the sergeant's voice cut through everyone's sleep, sending her teammates scrambling out of bed. "i thought we'd start out the day with a run around the base before reveille!

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Jax's Midnight Paw Pleasures

I've seen better doormats, but maybe you'll be a worthy paw licker." he said with lewd delight as he suddenly smushed the dog's face inbetween both paws.

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My Purple Furred Goddess

Her vagina begins rippling and convulsing in spasm, and my licker is massaged in that feminine chasm. liquid streams down my throat, and i drink it with glee, my espeon's sweet essence always satisfied me.

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“Ro’Jo The Mage” A Story inspired by Elder Scroll’s IV: Oblivion

Do not insult my intelligence fur-licker! leave me be or by my fathers sword i will run you through!" warned the dark elf. ro'jo was not intimidated nor was afraid.

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Surviving Solitude Part 7

Billy stood up and, getting our attention, said, "you know, in this town, we look down 'pon stick-lickers like yerselfs, but we know the father isn't 'bout kill'n people. he want's ta save 'em."

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