Those Forgotten IX: Epilogue

"micheal, can you do me a favor?" oren asked, wiping a tear away before taking shaun's hands. "yes," micheal answered with a dip of her head.

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William and Samantha Chapter 1

micheal got in behind william and buckled himself up. micheal looked at over at william as the car got moving, and noticed the sizable tenting of his pants. "looks like someone's a horny fox.

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Galactic Arena: Chapter 2

micheal, the ball tucked under his arm, had wesley pinned and helpless.

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Worshipping the Wolf 2

micheal gasped trying to wipe his own fluids off and only succeeding in spreading it around his fur. "yep." ras said proudly before picking micheal up by his hips. he rolled back so that micheal was sitting on top of him.

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Anubis, being the all powerful and somewhat sadistic dog he is renders micheal's soul null and void to the after-life. but before the curse sinks in too far micheal grabs an amulet from the tomb and runs.

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Claude and Earl Part 2

"i'm mark woods, i'm dr micheals' secretary." he says. "what can i do for you, mark?" i ask. "dr micheals would like to see you" he says happily. "as a patient or is this personal?" i ask. he laughs.

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a day at the hospital

It's the very least i could do for you" she giggled and looked at micheal "well, that was unexpected don't you think?" micheal was surprised by tiffany's acceptance of transgender, but he always thought there were a female inside him.


Marty Collins 1

Dr micheals is grinning. "you planned this i assume, so you could get us back together, dr micheals?" i ask him.

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Sewer Thieves

"dammit," micheal growled and looked down. "freeze," russell said looking his way. "shit. jay's not going to like this one bit." micheal took off running, hopping the small rooftops.

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The Condition ch. 1

Lucas complained, sitting besides his best friend, micheal. lucas was a grey wolf with peircing yellow eyes. he wore a black shirt and black pants simply. micheal, a fox, sighed and got something out from his pocket. it was a pill.

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Those Forgotten IV: Awake [edited]

You are all created in his image and follow his plan," micheal said smiling again. there was another boom and micheal's image wavered. "if you were truly my guardian, why did you allow me to die?"

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Bridgeport high school

His older brother micheal was sitting at the table already finishing his breakfast with his father, and his mom handing him a plate of waffles. he eats and he grabs his bag while micheal and him get in micheals car to go to school.

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