
Feathers were gone that shouldn't have been; blowed oozed out of the remains of vaned feathers that wouldn't have molted for another couple of weeks, at the very least. but her wing... it was completely mangled.


One of the children might be willing to surrender a feather or two if you need a quill, i think they will be molting once or twice before they can fly.

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I then put in some sun cream, strange but it would help me if i got a few bald areas from the molting.

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A Brief Report on Dragons

Another awkward scenario they're in for is molting, and it is not confined to puberty. their scales will become dull and loose, and they will appear to have pimples all over their body.

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It just so happened that a week after arriving at her friend's house raphael started his first molt. unlike a normal bird though raphael's molt took only a few moments.

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Dating An Heir (Pt 3)

"hell, nick, i have to buy special products for my feathers, and don't even talk to me about molting. i know your wings molt, but my entire body does. it's really fucking annoying."

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Random encounter

Smiling slyly the maned wolf turned to me and in the loudest voice he could muster he shouted to the hole molte-virse "zagarith likes and has been stalking chasemyst for two years!" the black wolf tackled riashii.

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Passing of the Torch

Even on the warmest summer days, he had to wear a jacket and whatever remaining hair his body had, he would have to keep meaning he never molted.

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Episode Ten: MAAB

P'rao's heart fluttered in his breast like a newly molted sparrow. "please." "you're right," the blackbird nudged meech again. "he's got it bad all right." "skirl has a delivery coming up in the northern reach," meech said.

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Eden Garter, Dragon Anomaly, ch. 18

He took the slick, crustacean-shaped forepaws of his mate, taking the most genuine of care as if he were touching one of the molted crabs which they resembled. he didn't care what she looked like.

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Disney's Pete Fantasy 2

His thick hot love juices shot into me, the second round was thicker and hotter than the first, the third felt like molted lava inside of me. i screamed out as a major orgasm erupted from inside of me.

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The horse's slave

He opened his mouth wide and took the thick meat into his mouth, barely able to fit the meat into his mouth as he started to suck on it, bobbing his head up and down the molted shaft.

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