Reigning Revision

Brenan took one last check at his equipment, seeing if everything was in order. Spyglass? Grappling hook? Lockpicks? All set and ready as far as the nobleman was concerned. Some late night espionage was the primary goal for Brenan tonight, a chance to...

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Gnawed [Revised]

A revised version of an old story that i'm always... tinkering with. eventually i may finish it. cold case detective ramsay merchant has been shunted aside because of his dogged investigative methods. sometimes they cause problems.

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PSB: A Basic Introductory

Originally, the rule said the first to orgasm lost, but i have revised this as i felt it was much too restricting for determining who was superior in the relationship.

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The Gaming Journal #1: The Problem with Fighting Games

Koei tecmo's_dead or alive 5_also had three revisions over the course of 4 years.

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A New Brother - Part 18

It was only due to drake's handling of his revision schedule and plans that troy believed he was never held back a year or two.

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The Torture-cum-Pleasure

One fine weekend afternoon, eric was revising for his upcoming science test. now dat he had screwed his mathematics test, he had to work extra hard so that he would not fail a second test.

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= Prologue: Dreams of Kingdom Past =

With a loud boom, a purple hand-shaped bolt flashed down and struck him._ * * * =subject to revision at any time until further notice=

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It took five full revisions, but i succeeded! then did another five revisions integrating the changes i had made over the course of the reduction, putting back in sentences i missed, cutting out ones that were unnecessary.

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Chapter 4: Vera

After several hours of studying, revising and doing homeworks, momchil decided to take a break. he laid down on his bed, closing his eyes for a second, sighing quietly. he got ready for sleeping.


Guardians: Downfall

Well....i am using a free word pad program so my spelling and or grammar may be off, i am revising the story as i progress and will do a complete revision after the whole story is done.

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Scratch Post 1 - Inner Editor

Always shouting at you about this or that, prompting you to pause and think and revise before you have even scratched the surface of your story. this knave is the bane of productive writing.

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