Three wolf doom

"something's... wrong" one of the beta pack-mates said, sniffing the winds sceptically. "there's no wounds" the alpha said, prodding at the gnoll's body. the third pack-mate, the youngest, stayed furthest from the gnoll.

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To Have Chapter 8

She couldn't blame him for being sceptical. she almost couldn't believe it herself. even now as she replayed the battle in her head, the memory seemed unreal.

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Superhero Setting - History

This was done with a healthy dose of scepticism. after all, who believed that a mere mortal man could punch through steel or fly through the sky like a bird?

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Centaurus Chapter 24

Said flora looking at the butterflies sceptically. she was a city gnome of course, and she didn't have much take with some useless bugs who didn't do much but flap around and be annoying.

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 58

._ theo was old enough to be sceptical, but there was no real distrust in his eyes. why would there be? she was his whole world. why would she ever try to keep something from him? why would she ever lie or keep secrets?

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When ember emersed herself in it, spyro was still slighlty sceptical. his mind was changed when he saw ember re-emerge, and he saw the steamy water cascading out of every gap between every sexy scale on her voluptuous body.

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Tales of Unova, Silver Shoreline

Martha looked sceptical. "i've never heard of a professor like that." martha mumbled. they tried the door, however they heard a voice. "everything's fine! come back later!" after that they could get no response. "err... right. let's continue."

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Starburst: Prologue - The day the world burned,

The humans however were sceptical. and the humans greatets leaders came togheter to deside what to do.

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A Long, Dark Road (Part 6)

"i thought that malcus started it," varg said, eyes narrowed sceptically.

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Core Memory / The Nesting Experience

Jarzyl laughed sceptically. "weird. i don't know about that." "so now that you've had the experience of nesting your sibling, you wouldn't do it again?" jarzyl flicked her neck frill. "maybe. maybe not."

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Scribbles: Dolfengra's Growth

He was sceptical at first, yet was willing to try and boy did it work. after one session, he was already pushing himself harder and eating more.

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Hypnovember 2022 #4 - The First Modern Occurrence of Hypnotic Transformation

"i do love to convince a sceptic," the lion said. "please, sir, come join me on the stage." a chorus of jealous grumbles and harrumphs spread through the theatre. the dragon walked on stage confidently, practically getting right in the lion's face.

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