The adventures of Stanko and Jebac- chapter 1 the journey begins

His face was long and his skin looked like it was too big for his facial bones, so his face dragged down towards the floor, he wielded an axe in each hand and his entire face was covered in strange purple tatoo's and the rest of his body was in armor.

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Dogs of War - Chapter 3 - Witch hunter

The whole effect was as dazzling as it was ostentatious, claudius supposed that it must be some kind of minotaur body-art akin to tatooing. "and how precisely am i supposed to justify doing what you ask on your word alone?

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Toy Friends

"oh... sorry, i think i am okay," she responds as she looks around, her mind overstimulated to the point that it takes her a moment to catch the black and han purple rubber sergal toy with lavender tatoos on its left side standing on a pedestal in the front

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A Proper Bitch

After a time, master even took me to get real fur instead of only having tatoos all over. it was a wonderful life, and my beautiful boys gave me several more litters before master decided he wanted to breed me himself.

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RS: Incestious liberation 1/4

As he looked at her carefully he studied her figure and winced seeing tatoos cover her arms. along with a piercing on her ear and maybe more decorating her but they were hidden from his view because of her clothes.

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Blood ties

They looked almost as the tatoos used by the more tribal eastern nomads. all whorls and flowing bends that highlited the major shapes of her lines- then they were gone again as the moment faded.

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RS: Incestious Liberation 4/4

During that following day her father took her to a laser surgeon to get rid of her tatoos. with those ever present shackles gone all that was left were the pearcings.

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Year of the Rat Chapter 5 Diamonds

Thrisha spoke softly as the young rodent winced in light pain as she dipped an needl tipped quill into a ink well full of red ink and gently as she could tatooed a small pyrimid on the top of the rodents hand with a hooded serpents head in the middle. it took

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