Bound by Destiny 3

tenchi could do nothing but just stand there before peridot was hugging her closely, breaking her out of the state she was in, "ohhh, sorry. i just wasn't expecting to see so many here. hello, my name is tenchi, tenchi arizonia.

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Bound by Destiny 3

tenchi could do nothing but just stand there before peridot was hugging her closely, breaking her out of the state she was in, "ohhh, sorry. i just wasn't expecting to see so many here. hello, my name is tenchi, tenchi arizonia.

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Journeys of Time 11

Kichiro looked at tenchi, "sounds like someone has been falsely accused." tenchi nodded before looking at the girl, "what is your name?" the werewolf growled, but calmed down when she saw tenchi's face expressing kindness, "pamelah."

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Bound by Destiny 30

Right, tenchi?" sasha looked at tenchi and noticed her seeming a bit down, "hey, something wrong?" tenchi shook her head, "huh? oh. it is just that i miss my arm."

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Bound by Destiny 30

Right, tenchi?" sasha looked at tenchi and noticed her seeming a bit down, "hey, something wrong?" tenchi shook her head, "huh? oh. it is just that i miss my arm."

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Trials of Love, the Frostclaw Chronicles 12

tenchi grunted at his deafness before she spread her wings and with lyra quickly leaping onto her back, tenchi began to speed up to catch up to the enraged father until lyra leaped off tenchi's back, hooking her thighs around alex's neck with such a momentum

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Bound by Destiny 8

Peridot looked at tenchi with tears in her eyes, "i cannot believe that it is finally happening." tenchi smiled back, "neither can i."

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Journeys of Time 22

Before tenchi grabbed her by the throat and felt more and more shadowy tendrils wrapping around her as spikes embedded themselves through tenchi's entire body.

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Bound by Destiny 8

Peridot looked at tenchi with tears in her eyes, "i cannot believe that it is finally happening." tenchi smiled back, "neither can i."

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