Flamur's NSFW biography

He has a red swirling tuft of fur, like a flame, on his head with a smaller tufts on each side of him. he has a white collar of white fur on his neck and his face has a cream color, just like his chest, his fingers and feet.


fizzy's backstory { A short story }

I woke up with my tufts and fur poofed up and super woozy a scientist picked me up and handcuffed me to a surgery bed, they cut open my arm and black blood oozed out, i screamed and they stuck a needle in my neck, causing my to faint.

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The man looked at his dirtied red-orange fur and black elbow tufts as if seeing them for the first time. blinking, jericho slowly examined himself.


slasher and alexus chapter 1

Alexus was a white lioness, with blue eyes and she stood 5,7 with a slender body and long tufted tail, tipped with a golden yellow tuft of fur like her ears had to them. her , muzzel had some light freckles to it as did her arms and legs.

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A Painful Challenge

Her tufted tail behind her, and wicked excitement coiled in her belly. there was a new challenge going around her favorite online group, and sally was eager to join in.

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Red's Rebound

Red's ear tufts fell down as he saw it but he couldn't stop with alex's grip on his arm. he was dragged inside the theater.

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Commission - The Hyena's Kingdom - P5

tuft and tatty gave a shriek of upset as they were suddenly grasped from scar's paws by a male and female hyena and carried aside from their king.

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Dook in Ying's Clothing

Static tilted his head down, revealing the pink glossy thing was a semi-sculpted tuft at the end of a long thick tail, with a pink band just a bit down from the tip.

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Clit Beats Twink

Dripping with sweat that clung to the tufts of black hair there, her potent bovine scent was thick in his nostrils in an instant. shu flinched away, so she just shoved it in his face.

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Herding the Shepherds

It stuck to his tuft of hair, soaking in before it dripped all over his belly, webbing across the flesh.

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Don't Be A Pussy

Four well-formed breasts were framed by four powerful arms flexed taut, each tufted beneath with thick black hair. she was similarly tufted between her legs. though that layer of dark hair didn't quite fully conceal her glistening sex.

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