Starborne: New Beginnings - Sentio, Ergo Sum

You are not onlydealing with an alien mind whose motivations and ethics are complete unknowns.its... soulmate was highly unstable, even unable to tell apart past memories andpresent.

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Though the programming from those that had created him was at the forefront of his alien mind there was enough of iris in there to know that once he had made his move that things would get increasingly chaotic, but that was just fine for him.

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A Budding Community, 5 | by DolphinSanity

He wanted to see how this would play out... and, to his delight, that eclipsing feeling occurred again: the alien mind cycling over to cover the normal one. commodore teryx. commodore teryx, in the flesh. every program. every behavior. every habit.

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Errant Thoughts [TF M/F Horse]

What if our fears were real and some alien mind is listening? and, worse, what if they have the power to do something about it?" with a grin that is equal parts humor and sadism, the host finishes.

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The Gates of Hell, Chapter 5, WURM, part 1

The wurm writhed and coiled in on itself, giving high pitched slobbering squeals of distress as it felt its mind being slowly...replaced, subdued by an alien mind it couldn't control.

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Abduction, Two Suns

It was full of aliens. mind, aliens smelled good, but aliens none the less. as i ran on my finely healed leg, i felt liberated, glad no one was shooting at me.

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A Harvest of Souls

The mercenary began alternately screaming, cursing, laughing and crying; unable to control the physical and emotional triggers being set off by the alien's mind probe. it took less than a minute to complete.

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Scavenging for Survival

Not only was it dangerous to try and reach one unknown mind while shielding against all of the swarm, but as difficult as it had been to understand what all was happening in the alien mind, he needed to get to the being and see if he could communicate with

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Commission: Tight Fitness

The sigh that rose from his lips showed the defeat that was going through the indigo alien's mind, but as he turned his eyes up the sight of someone caught him.

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Breeder City S3 Ep.6

"her mind is to far gone, trapped, and i know of no way to break the connection between her and the alien mind." ms. ying placed a hand on his shoulder. "you tried your best, but the safety of the city is our priority."

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A Warm Welcome Party

They must've thought he really was an alien mind control assassin then, or just completely insane.

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Alien Livestock, Chapter 2, Domestic Service

And we weren't alone, there were many different 'alien' minds also reduced to servitude as parts of the overall net and system. we were integrated in a way i can't really explain.

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