the wolves chapter 2: and then it got worse.

Well this chapter ended up being another buildup chapter sorry lol. But the next one should definitely have some goodness in it. and please be nice in the comments, should you leave one. The Wolves Chapter 2: And then it got worse. "Right,...

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Chiricov- Chapter 8: Bad to Worse

Chiricov Chapter 8 Bad to Worse I pulled the machine gun that was stowed in my bergen. Extending the bipod, and loading a double drummed clip in; I set up on some sandbags that the BLA had set up. Trey and Nina had done the same;...

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For Better or for Worse Chaps. 3-4

Chap.3 I flew out from under my covers, gasping for air. Reaching for the top desk drawer, I tried to be as quiet as possible, but I knew that getting my pills was more important than letting the people in the neighboring rooms sleep. Shadows...

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For Better or for Worse - Chaps. 1-2

Chap. 1 "Why am I still here?"I though aloud. My name is Lucas Palidas, and I am nineteen, majoring in Physics at Novas University, and sitting on a park bench waiting for someone who I had begun thinking wasn't real. I pulled the note I had...


Coon Fandango 3: A fate worse than...

Late night. Humming happily to himself, the young male coyote climbs in through the window at the end of the corridor and is about to pad silently through the building, to his own quarters when he notices something laying by a wall. When he prods it...

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For Better or Worse - Chapter 3: First Steps

_As promised the third part and this time it didn't take three years. I don't know if I'll be able to keep the pace though. Also here is my first published yiff scene! This part was challenging in many ways... Every critique and comments are...

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For Better or Worse - Chapter 2: Found Love

_I'm amazed that after 3 years there are still people out there who enjoy my work. Seeing how the number of my readers increased from zero to unknown heights is incredible. It's only more reason to apologize for the wait. This part took way too long to...

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For Better or Worse - Chapter 1: Destined Incidents

**Disclaimer:** I don't claim ownership to digimon or any non original character of the digimon franchise. The other characters however are owned by me and may only be used with permission. I know this one is a bit long. It also is my first...

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The Hunter's Choice Chapter Four: A Turn For The Worse

They sat there gazing into one another's eyes as time passed on they drew themselves closer to each other until the point came were the female was staddling the young predator. She gave a evil grin to him as she started to rotate her hips back and...

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For Better or Worse - Chapter 4: New Purpose

_I will keep this short because I could fill tons of journals with everything that has happened to me since the last chapters and who would read them anyway. So I'll just say this: a huge thanks to_...

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Gortoz 'A Ran - Ch 96 - For better or worse...

I got home that night at around half passed three in the morning... And I was absolutely shattered after having such a long day... Barely managing to keep my eyes open, I somehow got home safe... And once I parked my car in front of my house, I turned...

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For Love of Love 16: A Turn For The Worse, Part 3

"I'd like to stay and chat, really I would...but we've got a flight home that we have to get back to the Real World for." Jamie turned around and started to leave; he could feel Jean's hand gripping his own tightly; she was obviously very afraid. "I'm...

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