Road Rovers: A New Start 7

It was mainly bulls, bears, wolves, and horses last night and those guys had some serious libidos. it took him half of his shift just to take care of one guy and then flung into a group that weren't gentle with his ass.

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bear. wolf. i frowned and sighed at the same time, concerned on how many i saw as wolves, and longing to stretch my wings and fly up there and join the clouds. feel the sun on my wings, feel the air caress them, soaring higher and higher.

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Breaking the Cocoon

The tavern itself is diverse; orcs, humans, bears, wolves, equines, and tall goblins. best thing of all is that they were all in different shapes, sizes and attitudes, the very trait that borne noticed a complete lack of in other taverns he entered.

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To Dream of Darkness - Ch 10

I know you have said before that although you could bear wolf puppies, no wolf could give you puppies that would have magic. i know you were told that you must breed to a man-like creature to bear magical offspring.

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Dragon City

He also had toys everywhere of almost every animal: tigers, bears, wolves, foxes, even unicorns. "well, this is my room!" rufus squeals out in pure happiness and he bounced around the room.

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Tales from Silicon City 1: Mentalrix

bears, wolves, tigers, lions... skeletons of over a dozen different "grand predators" were neatly arranged and carefully attached together with an impressive collection of bits and bobs acquired at the local hardware store.

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The Choice: Part 2 (Commission)

His eyes drew to the muscular and lithe men stretching around the area, from tigers, bears, wolves, to even badgers. who were they, and why did he feel a sudden pang of jealousy in his chest? "you're early." mr.

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Chapter 2: A Dangerous Meeting

Panicky thoughts of bears, wolves, and cougars flashed through her head. to her relief, the sound of playful laughter came from the underbrush instead of a predator, quickly easing the racing of her heart and bringing a gentle smile to her face.

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The Legend of Spyro; Rising Dragon 3

Most of the species which included the bears, wolves, some of the insects like dragonflies and last were the less common but are still around, fairies, had all become involved in the morning work.

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Fulfilling Her Needs

The bears, wolves, even the hippos. anyone with a bigger cock than nick's... she wanted it all. for just one day she wanted so much pleasure that nothing else her mind would be able to process. it wasn't too much to be asked in her eyes.

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Tying the Knot Ch1

Mountain lions, bears, wolves, snakes... mike froze and started walking backwards until he reached a massive maple tree, looking wildly into the night. at least he would be safer off the ground.

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Evolution on Demand

One power punch later and it's all over for the bugaboo who crashes to the ground but the goblins hope that he softened the bear-wolf enough for the them to take him down.

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