Possessing Possessions (2/2)

The elf had visited agrenon several times before in order to help learn not only the draconic language but a few secrets of the trade.

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The Dragon's Boytoy Knight - Ch04

There was a sudden hubbub as the warriors turned and began to mingle with the drakes, who also seemed to have gained knowledge of the draconic language via whatever magic had grown them so swiftly.

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Flesh & Fur Chapter 01: Unlikely Alliance

Fyi: the draconic language is generated using this translator: http://draconic.twilightrealm.com/ fyi: the abyassal language is generated using bing translator, converting loose english into haitian creole.

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Freedom Fire Chapter 12: The Bad

It was crude, but still written in an ancient draconic language. karkariz read them carefully before he gasped and said, "it reads, 'i will bring despair'."

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Friendly Explorations: A DitD Outtake

Along one wall were several nice looking, human-crafted book shelves covered with tomes both in the common tongue and the far older draconic language.

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"The Mistake" - Story by Kaz

And then, the human spoke, shockingly enough he used the draconic language that xan could understand, sending a chill down his spine as he contemplated the reasoning behind this human speaking draconic and using magic.

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Clash of Hunters

Cera spoke to her fellow kobold in their native draconic language. "oh, and remember to put clothes on. elf is another weird one about that." ruge just sighed, but nodded. cindrie tilted her head. "what did you tell her?"

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Bandits, Brigands, and Baddies

The crack of a whip and shouting in the draconic language followed soon after. a single heavily armored saurian monitored several others dressed in rags as they toiled heavily in their labor.

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He tried to avoid words that made perfect sense in his own draconic language...like 'solemnity', and stick to those that he knew well. "i kill every third human that comes. the rest are driven off so they know to avoid this land.

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He tried to avoid words that made perfect sense in his own draconic language...like 'solemnity', and stick to those that he knew well. "i kill every third human that comes. the rest are driven off so they know to avoid this land.

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Compliments of the Chef

Lily smiled and leaned in to john so that her breath tickled his ear and spoke in the draconic language. "i think it is safe to assume that the gathered lords have at least a few people among our population.

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