Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 5 - Claw-Painting

Dark Hollow had no business being so peaceful. The wind rustled softly through oak trees and well-kept hedges, spreading rust-red leaves over the grass. The lanterns were all lit and bathed the old bookshelves in a warm glow, illuminating all the dark...

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TLOS legend of the black dragon chapter 27 tough challenge

"hi ember!" spyro said as he spotted her. "hi spyro, where's frost?" ember asked him. "he said that has some problems with his dad but he promised that he would be in time for your match." cynder answered before spyro could.

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Spyro's Old Flame: Chapter 6 - Not on the List

Flame loved to fly. He loved to launch himself into the air and watch the many castles, hills, and rivers that made up their realm shrink into insignificance below his wings. The wind was cold and strong, and raindrops drizzled against his scales, but...

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My Purple Hero

The purple drake tried to diffuse this again, "ember-" "spyro, just come with me! i want to show you the ring!" she gave him a narrowed look, "i'm not lying about it you know."

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the new guardian's part eight

," spyro called out to her getting her attention and she made her way to them, "hey guys whats oh my cynder you don't look so good come on into the examination room" ember said as she spotted the problem leadin cynder inside but turned to spyro, "please wait

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Episode 5: The Dragon Rage SAGA: Part 2 of 4: Descending Flame

"don't you dare, ember!" spyro growled but it was already to late as ember breathed a large stream of flames on him making him jump off her with a roar of pain as he fell backwards onto the sandy ground.

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The Warrior

I made up my mind to tell ember, "spyro, where do you think ember is?" "right now?" he seemed surprised, "i think she would be eating breakfast." "thanks," i turned away. "cole, what are you going to do?"

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