Uks Silvercast

Here we find a young man by the name of uks silvercast a half dragon half husky hybrid with dark blue fur covering most of his body though his waist, underarms, inner thighs and the underside

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The Magic Puzzle #2: Balto PART ONE

They were half wolf-half husky hybrids, and they were standing on all fours this time! "this is still probably going to take some getting used to," said bridget.

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In the Heat of the Cold Night

A washed-up boat near the outskirts of nome was practically frozen over, and the inside of it would be had it not been for two small sources of heat inside of it in the form of two male wolf/husky hybrids.

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Fall of the modern age Chapter 1

It is his dog bandit, a wolf husky hybrid. josh named the dog bandit, because of a black pattern that went over the eyes giving the dog a look like it is wearing a mask. "ok boy, lets go."

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Together Again

A bolt of blue fabric and grey fur as the lynx-husky hybrid sprinted at him before he could get more than ten feet from the door to his disembarking gate. "ky..."

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Let The Third Race Commence

Chris (brown wolf/husky hybrid) & zack (orange and white fox)- marine furs. "we went through intense training just to get in the marines," chris points out. "but, i'm sure we can handle this race just fine." zack shrugs.

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Your Smile Says It All

Kim was a 10-year old wolf/husky hybrid with fur as white and pure as the snow. she was wearing a t-shirt and wrangler shorts. she had a backpack with her because she was going to stay over for two nights.

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A Master Found (Chapter 1)

Haru akikawa replied before sipping some whiskey from a low ball glass, looking the wolf/fox/husky hybrid (folfsky) over. the canid lowered her head and bowed slightly. "good evening, sir. i was wondering if you weren't perhaps free tonight?"

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Mike's Story

Alex took a moment to think of the wolf/husky hybrid and a deep flush spread across his cheeks.

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Specter Shoes

The wolf-husky hybrid prided himself in his taste in footwear, and despite the heavy rain they'd been getting today he'd taken great care to avoid damaging the pair he was wearing; the sneakers were his favorite, and it had taken him quite a while to save

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Droid Duck

\*static as the channel changes\* a dragon/husky hybrid ran past, screaming at the top of his lungs. a second later, a giggle of clowns stampeded past, in hot pursuit.

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