Eric and Milo: Consequences

His 'king of the hill' feeling lasted all of two seconds, as milo walked in, looking either terrified or sheepish, it wasn't clear which, followed by anne, who absolutely exuded confidence from every molecule of her being.

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Bathing with Daddy

"get one finger in someone's asshole and you feel like a king of the hill..." brian couldn't help but feel his sheath tighten at such a casual mention of what had happened on one afternoon between them. "you ain't denyin'..." the wolf said.

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Cafe Plaisir: October's Jaunt Chapter 6 - Heroes of Dawn

"sorry chai," said colin, "but don'tcha underestimate the daycare king-of-the-hill!" "what the shit just happened?" asked chai, staring at october, aghast. october chuckled pleasantly, "you lost, chai." "to him?"

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The Communal Rut

Lincoln giggled--not a guffaw or a hearty laugh--he straight up giggled, laughing with gleeful joy as about ten different hatchlings all tried to play king of the hill on his back, shoving each other as they excitedly scrambled to be the first to climb his

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