MHO - The Cult of the Crimson Isles - Chapter 18

"magic armor. these two are just full of surprises, aren't they?" kani gawked at him. "ohmygosh you're all... woody! that's so weiiiird!" "makes you heal faster, too," kuna pointed out.

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IV Chapter 11

Some kind of magical armor. however it wasn't strong enough to withstand the power of her shadow claws, she could see trails of red blood after three more slashes. it won't be long before it breaks and she slices her wings into pieces.

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Tauren's Tale - Chapter 2: The Journey

His axes struck with deadly accuracy, leaving shallow cuts in darkhorn's magical armor. sparks flew as he continued his assault, maintaining a constant and feverish pace despite his fatigue.

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The Strip(p)ed Hero: Disgrace

His magical armor withstood most of the impact, but he still felt his body tremble over it. dario was given no respite. more tentacles started to envelop him.

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Water, Ice and Darkness - Chapter 2

I didn't know it at the time, but those butt-ugly green gauntlets they were wearing were some sorta magic armour.

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Erotic Spells for Pathfinder

Items held in the hand and magical items are not affected, except magical armor (not including shields), which adds its magical bonus to the wearer's normal reflex save (this is the armor's total magical bonus, including effective bonuses from special abilities

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Bandits, Brigands, and Baddies

"so what, you have some kind of magic armor? or a shield maybe? my last helmet got cut in half, so i need a better one." he explained as he pointed at the new scar on his face. "nothing so clumsy or heavy."

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book IX Chapter 14

As it faded flare noticed that iris' scales were no longer soft and alluring, but covered in rough curves and dotted with spikes, once again she put up her magical armor.

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T.H.O.Z; Lies

How in the hell did i get magic armor? how do i know how to use all sorts of weapons and read people?

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Tauren's Tale Reincarnation - Ch. 2: The Journey

His axes struck with deadly accuracy, leaving shallow cuts in darkhorn's magical armor. sparks flew as he continued his assault, maintaining a constant and feverish pace despite his fatigue. "i'm not going to lose to you!" ryldar yelled. "try it whelp!

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The Legend of Spyro: Path of Delusions Book III Chapter 12

Spyro groaned through clenched teeth as the golem's heavy feet was once again withheld by his magical armor. it was difficult maintaining the flow of elemental energy, even if he was protected he could still feel pain, much, much pain.

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The Strip(p)ed Hero: Defeat

His magical armor withstood most of the impact, but he still felt his body tremble over it. dario was given no respite. more tentacles started to envelop him.

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