Commission- Femme Fatals

Vorel's withered and rotted, falling away from its metal skeleton. explosions tinged with blue and purple exploded from the left, where pandora flung her spells. sickly green and inky black wove its way around the right, where vorel chanted.

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Freighter’s Reward

There was a metal skeleton structure which made up the whole thing and supported his weight, but the breeding mount itself was made from a hollow cylinder of clear material which was surrounded by all sorts of strange contraptions and mechanical things.

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Reaper: Graesham Campaign: Episode 9

"that's the problem with having a metallic skeleton..." he swung his staff upwards. _snap!_ the entire arm just _snapped_ upwards, ripping straight off belford's shoulder and dropping to the monstrous crystal's side.

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The Last Aspect

She turned to gaze at the metal skeleton. "i only hope she can be sent in time to save the land from open civil war." "she's already too late for that by my measure," stout grumbled. bira's knuckles tightened on the railing.

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Spa Adventures

The main hero was looking defeated, artificial skin hanging loosely from his metal skeleton. his robotic eyes auto focusing on the detonator. the endosteel digit slammed down on the detonator... and nothing happened.

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Integrated Security (Extreme, Female Version)

Braces around her neck were welded together and its metal skeleton was welded onto her metallic muzzle, forming a solid piece around her head. her eyes darted around in fear as she wheezed into the tube in her throat.

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Integrated Security (Extreme, Male Version)

Braces around his neck were welded together and its metal skeleton was welded onto his metallic muzzle, forming a solid piece around his head. his eyes darted around in fear as he wheezed into the tube in his throat.

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Wastelands-Chapter 14

The furniture in the lobby had all of the cloth and wooden pieces burned away, leaving piles of rusted coil springs and metal skeletons, while the piping was visible through parts of the walls and the walls themselves looked like they had huge, dirty wounds

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The machines they piloted were hung on the wall like metal skeletons while their pilots cleaned components and argued. 'guntz-class mobile heavy weapon and body amplification platforms' they were called officially.

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Five Nights at Freddy's

Then again, if they think you're an empty costume, they might try to... stuff a metal skeleton into you. i wonder how that would work." "god damn it!" mike yelped. "i know. it's a totally terrible idea!" "not that! it's happening _again_!"

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Maranatha - Chapter XVII - As Told By Nicky Marlowe

It looks like the maranatha municipality has decided to expand the commerce district, because there's one hulking, spindly metal skeleton piercing the sky after another. construction? i could do that.

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Fur-apocalypse Jason’s capture

Mona grinned looking at the metal skeleton that's going to be her newest airship. she turned to the cetrillian noting that the corset is getting tight at her abdominal area. "hmm, so ye are in the same situation as thy."

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