A shifters Tale

It took another hour and a half to make my way to the back of the district to an old smelting plant that had been abandond by an old company after it had gone belly up a few years ago, as i made my way closer the smell of burnt metal and smoke filled my nose

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Shattered Glass Chapter 9: Faith

"damn it" i whispered to myself as i turned around to the back door of the school and b-lined my way through them. i blasted my way through them and made my way to the track where some runners were jumping hurdles.

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White Chocolate Mocha: Chapter 5

I quickly make my way over. i guess that the years haven't been as kind to my low light vision. god i feel old. as i make my way over i almost trip over a few people's bags, some purses, a guy's leg he let out into the walk way.

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The Truth

Jumping my way from rock to rock i made my way to the forest floor.  getting my feel again for how my body worked and just hoping i didn't kill myself in the process.  "now for something more difficult." i grinned up at the trees as i shot up into them. 

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Stallions Without Stereotypes

When he stopped, i dripped some lube right on him, put some more on one finger, and slowly pushed my way in. he gave out a little grunt, but i held him steady with my other hand, gradually working my way in bit by bit. "you okay?" "yeah.

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Puppy Love Part 2

Filing my way out of the office, i couldn't but sulk in my own failure. my tail wrapped between my legs as i begrudgingly exited administration and made my way to the next class. the guilt would likely follow me the rest of the day.

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Before PE

By the time i reach the building, first block begins in five minutes, which means i have to make my way to p.e. i hurry my way down the hallways and through the boy's locker room door.

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A New World, A New Journey Chapter 10

.** _"tell everybody i'm on my way new friends and new places to see with blue skies ahead, yes i'm on my way and there's no where else that i'd rather be.

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Mother Dragon

The door opened as soon as i made my way to it, i was greeted by two servants asking if i needed anything. i answered with the shook of my head as i made my way to another door toward the tower.

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A Nightmare Within a Dream: Chapter 1 - The Dream

I made my way to the front of the campus, students, and teachers staring at me with a mixture of shock, and worry. a few teachers tried to stop me and ask what had happened to my face, but i shrugged them off without answering and went on my way.

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Unexpected turnout

I make my way to the door and open it. slipping outside, i close the door behind me and take in the nice cool night air. i sniff deeply and start to make my way to the school. the party sounds can be heard from like three blocks away as i keep my path.

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My CreepyPasta

Then i made my way up to the ghost. i tried beating it. i tried catching it. but in the end, it defeated all my pokemon. i later went to silph co. and got something to see the ghost. i made my way up the tower once more.

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