Tritonia's Gift

Oh how much i would have enjoyed having a bird's-eye view of whatever naval battle this ship had engaged in before it went down. i definitely wouldn't have wanted to watch from this ship, however.

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Torpedo Run Chapter 30

So far as he knew, from what information his scanners could give him at this range, the naval battle would go down in history as the largest stellar combat to date.

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Guardians: Downfall Chapter 5: Battle for Aegis

He was still troubled, not at the fact that they where going to engage in possibly one of the biggest naval battles in history, but at the fact that they would be receiving no more reinforcements.

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An Angels Lament

He was master of the sea and a downright devil in naval battles. morrigan was not happy knowing malik would become a ward to such a pirate. malik sheathed the sword unsure what was happening as he was ushered away by his mother.

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Integration: Part Eight

I know the naval battle was planned for next week, but a few honored guests compelled me to want to do it while they're here!" "are we the honored guests?" dylan quietly asked kira as dahashi continued his speech. "i suppose so.

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The Pirates of Jahaliya!

Shouted o'grael, "keep the naval combat to those who've got a toe wet!" the whales charged on ahead, and the vessel far in the distance altered its course, turning sideways.

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Expedition: Unsheathing the Sword

"we heavily modified it to be practical and safe in offensive naval combat; the hermes 'fleet-smasher' batteries, as overenthusiastic engineers have dubbed them, are the _equivalent_ of having ten hercules anti-orbital batteries on each side of the ship but

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With Quiet, Lifting Mind

Haralt knew, and had told rassulf röhaner, that the ship had even previously been named for a great naval battle and not some mythical upstart.

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Cathy heard the chatter of a navel combat and keyed in the headset and yelled into it, "all federation please respond! over!" she got no answer so she yelled again, "any federation battleships please respond! over!"

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