Night on the town

She had died several years ago of old age. karuch fell in love with her when she was four hundred and he was merely seventeen. six and a half centuries had passed since then and dryconia eventually succumbed to old age.

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Tri's Escape

"good morning tom and please just call me tri" i replied while looking at all the grey fur he had from old age. "oh all right tri" tom said with a slight grin on his face. "are you ready to get to work tri" said tom "sure am.

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Towers of Seshin: Prologue

These first disciples ascended to higher enlightenment, allowing them to never die of old age so that they could continue to teach the young of magic.

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Life by The Page 5

Though she was old, age was never getting to miss putney and leon felt like it never would. unfortunately she didn't give him any ideas. leon walked home after an unsuccessful day of people watching. he found himself desiring to smoke again.

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These two will be together through thick an thin until their old age. i know melina will die first, taken an age related sickness. with howard following not long after her, due to a broken heart.

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The Cabal: 01 Time Line

It was called "element zero". 2149-complete translation of the 'prothean archive' was not possible when several data storage systems failed from old age.

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Seeonee 2 - Epilogue

We both tended to her with all our love and devotion, like she had done for us all those years, making her comfortable in her ripe old age. but time spares nobody.

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Pirate Pig (Otherwise Untitled)

~ his search had consumed his remaining days and years, and found him in command his own ship by the time old age began to take him. and still his wife and the dragon waited on his luck; he needed more time.

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The Stonehouse Mysteries - Preface

No, i think i have earned myself a little silliness in my old age. and so, dear readers, i am going to tell you about the worst cases i have ever had to deal with.

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Born To Rule

The old crone miaya finally passed of old age entirely- leaving behind one final and cyptic prophecy of alealamia- saying merely 'she is as the gods'.

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Chapter 6: Pursuit, Destruction, and Resolution

"even so," the doctor lamented, "old age defeated us, and we disbanded... but i knew it was not the end. the simple life i led afterwards was peaceful, boring, and dull.

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Back To Sauria

Peppy still piloted the great fox despite his old age and falco remained a fighter pilot while slippy stuck to the mechanics since he was the only one who knew how the ship worked, then the boys noticed jewel staring through a window and heard what sounded

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